Eyes watered in tears
Heart beating so loud in despair
Breath frozen, for that moment I felt dead
I knew I was about to experience the saddest days of my life
Well I had a sense of comfort because I was almost of age
But my dearest little sister was not
For she was just a little child.
The sight of been separated from our parents was damning
For my legs could not bear to stand
Neither could the rivers of tears flowing from my eyes seem to dry up
Endless it was and each day a part of me fell apart
In group home was I with my dear sister feeling alone and rejected
But at least I felt a warmth in my heart, because she had me.
I got a lot of care and love from my parents
For I had grown older to have felt their love for many years
But my sister was just a kid, a little child !
A princess who was deprived from feeling the complete scope of her parents' heart
Taken from all she understood to be family and blood
For she was just a child.
Aging out of the system was supposed to be a joy
Except it wasn't joy at all!
I had spent about two dozen months and I won't wish this experience on any
My dearest parents had wrapped their hands around me in tears
Tears of both joy and sadness for they had only one of their child back instead of twain
I was free from the system and all those pains.
For my dearest sister is now alone
Having no family at all, very alone
My heart pounds in despair every second
Knowing I can no longer protect her
Knowing she is all alone in that vast universe of despair!
I don't care how long it takes me, I will fight to have her back,
My Dearest sister... I was free yet bond
She was just a little Child!.
To give the voiceless Children the right to be loved by their Families
Give a family the right to enrich their beautiful Children.
In this We truly Live
And forever Alive we become! Join the fight @familyprotection and every other means possible
Be the VOICE!!
Peace to you all,
This is an Original Poem
100% of the Liquid payout of this post would be donated to @familyprotection

by MakeBloom(@kryptocoin) through the eyes of a child, inspired by True Events happening to families around the world and the call to help fight against the tearful and abused life children and families are made to pass through by the hands of so called Child Protection Agencies
We must unite together @familyprotection
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes.
Thank-you @kryptocoin for bringing awareness to the plight of families and children.
Caught in the chains that dislocate
The break is hard with tearful eye.
Sisters and families that separate
burdens of baggage and hearts that cry
Voiceless children who cannot speak
laws that silence the helpless heart
justice....oh justice it's you we seek
Why do you tear these families apart?
How long must painful sadness go on
Until the voiceless kind voices are heard?
Protection...I see it. It's there on the dawn!
In poetry and love . In post and in word.
I commune in agreement to your insight!.
Protection Indeed on the dawn.
Thanks for this beautiful words that gives green assurance.
This brought tears to my eyes.
What a well done poem.
Being kidnapped away from loving parents, must be one of the most horrible things in the world that could happen to a child.
This evil has to end!
We can start by exposing it, and your poem is a start to that.
Absolutely, This kids should be at the center of all our minds. It won't be an easy journey, but a little start and compassionate people can make a huge impact, even if we go slowly!.
Thanks @canadian-coconut, your heart is indeed a Big one.
I am glad it touched the heart @canadian-coconut. Thank you for caring about the voiceless children. They need us.
I feel the weight of this post, very ill treatment children get from foster settings. But this calls us to make our voice know. Strongly known. God bless you @kryptocoin for this and for speaking through these children eyes.. Thanks
Good Children are worth more than all the riches in the world, that my friend, we need to achieve. God bless you too @mypen-mydrive and thanks for your contribution.
Wow, this did something to me and I think it is the core of how all those kids must have felt and feel that have been ripped away from their families and lives that have been destroyed because of it. Thank you for this, it is a start to expose this evil wrapping its ugly claws around so many. Too many...Raising awareness to this is all we can do, but I know there will be a time when people wake up to this raw fact: that child protection services are rarely in the business of protecting children.
Yes, gradually they will wake up to see this System for what it truly is, an "excuse for trafficking, child marketing and a sham". Thank you for this beautiful contribution.
beautifully sad.