We are in the land of the free, everyone living his piece, under a common law, a common law that serves everyone equally, where no one is above the law, where everyone is given an equal opportunity and rights of due process. We are in a land of freedom, where fairness is administered generously across all, and justice is a rod of truth and righteousness within the confinement of our society.
These are the words that are used to describe the Justice system. We live under a Justice system pure and filled with many charming maxims. Oh wait!, please spare me the sugar talks! All that motto of equality and fairness only give a false hope, its a mirage. The justice system I see right now has become an irony, Justice is now for sale in the market of the law, Justice is a commodity measured in Gold. Mete in the confinement and boundary of wealth.
Do we still speak of Justice?, my ink does not flow because it wants to but because it needs to, for the evil of the Justice system wears a Louis Vuitton, disguising its horrors. The populace have been made to believe in the Justice system so much that all the evil and corruption bubbling within it is overlooked. I hate to admit it but I would!, the spurs of inequality has been evident for long now in our Justice system dating back to our father's fathers. Just as inequality defines our society, so also inequality defines our Justice system and every form of court system, but the family court system is forever most wanting to this "crime" of inequality and the absence of fairness is most heavy.
Here we are today, in a mess we wish to escape from, a system where "The rule of Law" no longer covers the poor. Since Justice have been so inclined to the meters of Wealth, a parent without the Gold Bar has no place, has no voice, has no equal right. Infact, in light of what we see in the society right now, The rule of Law and due process of law is left for those with the most money, to the rich!. Impoverished homes loses their children to CPS because Due Process of law belongs to the Rich and the poor are made silent. How can we fight for our children when the family court system and its setup makes it almost impossible
They say, every one has a right to Counsel, of course, parents are provided the Most Sound Court Appointed Attorneys to help "poor" parents fight for their children, ironically. These attorneys become the destructive atomic bomb that ends up leveling homes they are supposed to protect. Offering your child on a platter of gold to CPS!. We know the usual drill, and I believe there are some good court appointed attorneys out there ready to help, but are dwarfed in a seemingly high percentage. This good ones are like a grain of rice in a mountain of gravels.
CPS is confident to take parents to court and it will be an easy win because our Justice system is sold to the rich, and victimizes the poor, the weak, and the low. It is Partial, filled with criminal acts and the eyes that solely perceives the golden-fiat!.
Welcome to the Gold Age, not golden!, where
- The rich who seriously abuses his child is left to keep them and is still a Fit Parent, but the poor who "allegedly" neglects a child is judged Unfit to keep their child.
- A rich convicted criminal, rapist, pedophile, sex trafficker, you name it! is given probation or is discharged but still fit to keep their children. The poor with a domestic is unfit and his parental rights may be terminated.
- You don't have the voice or Right* to fair judgement if you are closer to the the impoverished class.
The list goes on and on, CPS and the juvenile dependency court system is not made for the Rich but for the poor and the weak. Families that can not wage the storm of CPS are always at the slope, on the steep edge of been picked off. CPS is a tool to intimidate and prey on families on the bottom edge of the societal class, not for the High Class. This truth is staring at us all in the face and seen deep within the structure of the System. The Odds Are Never in Our Favor. Inequality runs the CPS and court system, and only those with gold to trade can navigate these colored waters.
Peace to you all,
( @kryptocoin )
JOIN @familyprotection, a community here on Steemit, helping to enlighten, support and aid families passing through hard times at the hands of CPS and social injustice, and exposing their corrupt practices. Upvote, Comment, Resteem this post and Participate in the community.

are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.
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You certainly hit the nail on the head with this post. Sickening to see all the mega-rich continue their vile practices right under our noses while families struggle with even getting enough money together for gas to attend their next court date while CPS holds their children for ransom.
Unfortunately, even when the ransom is paid they still don't get their children back. This system MUST change!
The sad truth. The partiality of the Justice system is one that is cancerous. The odd is Never in our favor. The voice of Change has never been much louder. Thank you @vickiebarker for your undisputable comment.
the tax slaves who don’t have to deal with this are too burdened living paycheck to paycheck. I am afraid every normal person has been castrated.
Wow. You said it so truthfully and I thank you for your voice which is so important.
I couldn't agree with you more and this
is so true and so sickening and what gets me so mad is that these criminals have all this control over our lives.
Yes, unfortunately the agenda of the elites is to control us and keep us within shadows of their hands. The time is coming, we shall be free!. Thank you @joalvarez
Absolutely correct... It's the golden rule "He who has the gold makes the rules." I read some time ago that the heir to the DuPont chemical fortune was arrested for molesting his own child. The judge let him go "because he wouldn't do well in prison." Can you believe that??? Who does well in prison? If prison was a place to go to do well, I'd be beating on the door! Anyway, I'm done ranting... Great article!
Thank you Sir Rich for this great comment. That is what is in play, most of the high and mighty have a special treatment, this is Crystal. It is annoying when I see cases involving the rich takes a lot of time and ends in either "probation" or "discharge", but a case with far lower charge committed by the rest of the populace "quickly" gets their ass in prison. Exactly, who does well in prison!. The objectivity* of Justice in our society is a Charade, a Sham.
Right in the mark.. sitting in “court” waiting right this moment. No justice! I’m acting alone. It’s all theatre anyways.
That's what Justice have turned into. Be strong Dear friend.
It's scary and terrible, but everything you wrote is really true. It is poor people, who are subjected to attacks by social services, because people are forced to seek help. And once they leave the shelter, as a social service to "grab" them, don't go unless you bring the matter to an end.
And about lawyers - Yes, in Russia, everyone has the right to a free lawyer. But the lawyer is not interested in such a client. In most cases, such a lawyer not only does not protect, but only aggravates the situation
Most of these government providers are simply fraud. They practice under fraud and against their clients.
All this need to be put to an end
The rich always seem above the law, whatever crime has been committed. They arm themselves with the best lawyers that money can buy and walk all over the little guy - it's a worldwide problem.
Yes, a world wide problem. This is happening because of greed and the inequality consuming the Justice system.
Absolutely @kryptocoin
This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs
Thank you
You are most welcome!
Well spoken, this is exactly how things are.. resteemed!
I like your story because everything you tell me is fun
what is the "fun" I told you?. Stop spamming