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RE: Chilling NCMEC Report Shows 88% of Missing Sex Trafficked Kids Come from US Foster Care

More reading material. And if you want information on your specific questions, that I didn't get to, Google is super easy to find this information (admittedly, I don't use Google, but you know what I an Internet search).


Okay, I've read the articles. They are opinion pieces. The first article, for instance, states WHAT the treaty purportedly does but gives absolutely no facts to back it up (it refers to children casting votes and being rescued from military service). It just lists what the author believes to be true without hard data. The second is a theoretical discussion of how lawyers might be able to influence courts if the Treaty were ratified here. The others are all in kind.

Goodness, you win the prize for the most straw man arguments of the week! If I'd responded to every single accusation in like kind, you and I would be in the middle of World War Six right now.

Yes, absolutely 100% children belong to their parents. They do not belong to anyone else. Certainly not Society. God granted them to parents, not to society at large

IF this is your belief - that the larger community must be quick to intervene if it determines a parent is not parenting their society-loaned child properly - then you should probably not be posting under the @familyprotection tag. @markwhittam and @canadian-coconut began this project as a way to combat the forces of government bearing down on families that governments have unilaterally and falsely determined cannot care for their children as the government decides is appropriate.

The whole issue with Family Protection is that the larger community IS intervening on an intolerable level.