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RE: @FamilyProtection Is Helping Families To Unite Via STEEM: Contribute To This Noble Cause And Help Them Save The World

Thanks a lot @xyzashu for the detailed response to my post.

But I'm naive about these matters. I don't see this issue to be so wide-spread in our country. In fact, I ain't aware of any such issue in my city. Can you provide some examples?

Well, you are right, India doesn't have much reported case against such agencies because most of them are NGOs or self funded. No government agency is fully established to cater child abuse cases. Now In India there are other ways to make money as you mentioned about babas. These victimized children run away from their homes and end up struggling all there lives. Some join these hoards created by Fake Gurus. Some kids end up in foster care. Child adoption is very much communal, sexist and flawed. Most of the kids get abused all their lives. The system is not at all functional to help them. So this kind of government organized crime is not very common for us. India has a different set of violence happening against children and their families. And I agree with the thought you mentioned that system only expect juveniles to change.

I don't know anything about @mayaabb's story so can't comment on that. :P

This is my initiative of helping genuine people worldwide suffering from the pain of not having their kid(s) close to them. Also, @FamilyProtection is not about crimes committed by CPA, it is also against Child Abuse and any other anti-human offence.


Kudos to whatever you're doing! I'm with you from my heart and wish you all the strength and resources for the cause! But frankly, I relate more to issues which surround me and my immediate society (where I live) at the moment.

Thanks for reaching out to me on this!

Not a problem @xyzashu. As I mentioned, every effort counts. Even a small act of kindness would help humanity and it will reflect in the whole world! Cheers. :-D