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OMG, thanks for this. It is SO TERRIBLE in the UK. I haven't any direct experience in other countries but the UK government are so hard. And they are experts in covering things up ref Child Protection. It sticks in my throat every time I read about a family being traumatised like yours was. Poor Lucy. She sounds amazingly strong and clever (and totally not in need of Social Workers) - what as terrible waste of time, money and emotion for you all. Your family unit, which could have coped easily it sounds, has been completely undermined.

Out of interest (for statistical purposes), do you know other families or people around your age who have been through similar? Or is it like you guys are a one-off?


Hi @healingherb thanks for stopping by to read my post and leave a comment, sadly our story is one of hundreds maybe thousands, after the babies are taken from their parents they are issued with a gagging order from the courts preventing them from talking about the adoption, if they do, they risk being held in contempt of court and going to jail, it's wrong, I haven't been given a gagging order so I will be sharing as many of their stories I can :)

That's brilliant and thanks, I know about the stats overall but what I was wondering is whether you, personally, know anyone - a friend or neighbour, says - who has gone through this? Looking forward to hearing more - that's a BRILLIANT solution to the gagging......sibling outing.

Yes I do know people that have had similar experiences with Social Services @healingherb , in our case we weren't allowed to keep the child within our family, the irony is that my mum worked for social services looking after vulnerable people for 12 years and I have a cousin who adopted 2 sisters, yet we weren't good enough to look after our own flesh and blood!! I like that - Sibling Outing :)

Thanks for letting me know - I wonder how isolated families are on the ground, so to speak. I know the issue gets big sometimes e.g. an occasional Daily Mail article but now I also have to wonder why no one is standing up about this? Playing hell? It's as if there are no options - maybe that's something for @familyprotection to think about. Thanks again. Maybe we should have a @siblingouting tag? can siblings be gagged legally? I've no idea....

I do remember the agony aunt from "This Morning" Denise Robertson was on board with families who were going through what we went through, she was very active in telling people what was going on, sadly she died. I'm not sure if any other celebs are on board yet. Something has to be done, I'm sure theses secret courts could gag anyone including siblings if they thought the truth was at risk of coming out. One day it will explode, sadly it will be too late to help those families who have already lost babies to adoption. Sounds like a great idea to have a @siblingouting tag, not sure how to do that but will check it out.