Legal Family Destroyers

For some time now, I've been reading about a gradually overwhelming menace in the Western world, Child Right.

The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) defines a child as "any human being below the age of eighteen years, unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier."

I've observed that the United States, for example, was truly built on freedom and equality. However, this has apparently overrode the principles of modesty for which every society must subscribe to. I can't stand and criticize the American law, but when it becomes vividly impudent to parents who have committed themselves to raising their kids in the right way, my letters must espouse my discontent.

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image source I'm a Nigerian, and I'll stay one until God decides to recreate the earth and blend me into another race. Nonetheless, my community does not lay in isolation owing largely to what is known as globalization. Having read the works of some observers and posts of individuals who used the @familyprotection tag, I now realize that if the members of the rest of the world do not speak up, we may soon fall victim to this issue that has traumatized families.

Clearly, we understand that what goes on in the United States of America often times becomes a standard for most other nations, including my dear country. Also, the authorities must review this Child Rights Act and place restrictions that will avoid situations where the agency known as Child Protective Services (CPS) incessantly operate to the detriment of established families.
According to Wikipedia

Child Protective Services (CPS) is the name of a governmental agency in many states of the United States responsible for providing child protection, which includes responding to reports of child abuse or neglect.

Therefore, I strongly suggest that the activities of the CPS be curtailed in the right direction so as to limit the damages incurred by families. What rights will a child truly have outside his/her biological home? Will the change in custody of the child give that child a better opportunity in life?
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I've read stories about foster care and in my opinion, the negative impacts always tower over the positive impacts. When a child is separated from his/her family, most times, they never return home and these families are left in ruins.

I don't want to wake up one morning and find out that my child is being sheltered by some organization that does not consider me fit to be a parent. I want a happy family. family-457235_1280.jpg
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I really want to appreciate everyone that has so boldly commented on this subject, most especially @Canadian-Coconut, @Conquerorsamson and others whose posts have been of great inspiration to me. But beyond lofty ideas and posts, our actions are most effective. In my own little way,I've resolved to take action by dedicating 30% of my earnings from this post to the progress of the #familyprotection tag. We've gat to do something.
