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RE: DCF/CPS Kidnaps Kids. Be Aware of Their Dirty tricks....My story

in #familyprotection7 years ago

We're waiting for something similar to happen one day as our 6 year old daughter hasn't been immunized for everything they demand ad hoc as they go. We were stripped of our family tax rebates years ago to the tune of about 7k AUD and have to keep signing special forms because we had an issue with just two of the number of mandatory vaccines at the time. One of them being chicken pox. The other being MMR, which we tried to get done individually with time between, but nobody wanted to help us or make an exception. Huge runaround and a "do it or else!" threat despite sympathetic doctors making the effort to help us and being told to stuff off themselves by our health care system and hospitals.

We expect to get a knock on the door one day or at least a really threatening letter saying we're delinquent parents or worse. Keep your chin up.


Whose business is it to know or not know whether or not a your child has been vaccinated? No one will know these things about my kids when I have them, except for me and my husband. We will make decisions together. I suppose people talk and if someone just doesn't like you, then they complain about you.

I hope it won't happen again, that you get that knock on the door. Hopefully the worst is over.

There's a registry for immunisations in Australia and they've begun to punish families not 100% compliant.

That's terrible. They should not have the power to decide what people must or must not intake, ingest, or inject into their bodies. Your body, your decision. As a parent, your right to choose for your child.