Reflections In The Mirror
upside, downside bouncing more
Dancing, glancing in the mirror
Innocence without fear.
Treasured moments come to view.
Grinning, spinning light as air.
Dreaming scheming without care.
Life is not as was before
Reflections mirror hurt and pain
Teardrops tremble all in vain.
Taken shaken lives that crash
Faceless voiceless left to die
Apathy can't hear the cry

Helpless, hopeless, weight to bear
Spiral spinning baggage bruised
Sold for sex abused and used.
Failing falling to their gave
Why must children die in fear
Are we so selfish not to hear?
Reflections in this glass so strange?
Why must families' voiceless cry
Be ignored by you and I?
Stolen lives cannot pretend.
Innocence must be set free.
It begins with yo and me
From thieves and narcissist's neglect.
Away from apathy so strange
Our reflection is their change.
Reverse the image in the mirror
Wiggling, giggling on the floor
Stolen families are no more.
The innocence of childhood is so precious. It is pure and untarnished, without blemish and free to wiggle, giggle and dance about. Preserving and protecting our little ones is best left to mom and dad. They are a reflection of ourselves when we were young.
Enter the CPS
It's a knock at the door and the stalking of your children. A stranger enters your home taking notes and documenting. Though manipulation, intimidation and outright lies, Child Protective Services use these tools and more to steal your children and break up your family. Your babies are swiftly taken by force and placed in the custody of more strangers.
From one foster home to another, to the streets as a runaway, or prison... or the grave, these young ones lives become shattered and abused in a cold, selfish world. It is a world of greed, by case workers, as high commissions and bonuses are incentivized for the sale of your children. It is a world of abuse at the hands of strangers, who physically and psychologically harm our young. It is a world of slavery, as pedophiles lie in wait to have perverted sex, destroying and degrading their lives.
And with tears comes depression, desperation, anger, loneliness, abandonment, fear, failure, low self-esteem, low achievement, guilt, abuse, addiction, self-infliction...and even suicide. Memories play and scenes are repeated in the mind. It becomes a psychological imprisonment that can lead to death for both the parent and the child.
And the reflection is gone
Unless we choose to hear the cry of the voiceless, stolen and hurting. We are their only hope. We must preserve, protect and defend the rights of families and the freedoms of the innocent. We can reverse the image...the reflection in the mirror. Young ones can wiggle and giggle without fear. Will you be a friend and join us together in keeping families and children innocent and free?

It is probably one of the greatest tragedies of all — the fact that children face the greatest danger and most violence in their own families.
And the neighbours and the school usually prefer to look the other way.
Too many children have been stolen for profit by the CPS and they end up trafficked or resold, abused in prison or dead. too many families have suffered at the hand of the CPS. It has to end now. These families must be free. Thanks for sharing.
There are some real horror stories in South Africa about so called child "protection" services as well.
Badly trained, corrupt and unethical. They should be shut down in full.
I've even caught a social worker playing judge and courtroom on her own steam and ruling which parent the child should live with. Outrageous!!!
And government cover things up in embarrassment. There's no recourse to hold officials accountable.
The family courts do not protect the interests or the children. At all! Shocking :(