Stolen lives that didn't have to be
Calloused hearts that turn away to see
The helpless face from apathy.
Broken homes now shattered in distress
Littered baggage spirals in a mess
The greedy filthy CPS
Stolen lives are lost, such a cost for apathy
faceless children dying all alone
Precious innocence they've never known
In a world that's cold as stone
Stolen lives are lost, such a cost for apathy
Broken hearts that need to be set free
Protect preserve the rights of family
Oh turn away from apathy
Yeah, it may be a silly little song parody about apathy and the CPS theft of children for their monetary gain. But the families that suffer know it is not silly. In fact, their lives are a living hell because of our apathy.
Because of our indifference, the for-profit Child Protective Services are able to stalk families and destroy innocence. Because we chose to not get involved, they can manipulate, intimidate, lie and unexpectedly enter a home, using the war tool of surprise to break up the home and steal children for profit. Caseworkers are incentivized with quotas and bonuses to place young ones and babies in the system. These little children are shuffled from home to home, to the streets, to sex trafficking, prisons...and even an early grave.
Because of our apathy, these children and parents are force to carry the psychological baggage of fear, anger, depression,, desperation, loneliness, helplessness, hopelessness, abandonment, lost dreams, lost innocence and childhood, abuse, addiction suicide and death.
Because of our selfish indifference, mom and dad spend their life savings on the court system to save their babies, only to find the judges and lawyers are compromised and bought off.
Yeah, these families would not think of this as a silly little song parody. They long for their family and life back. They long for 'Yesterday'.
But when we turn away from apathy and actually give a shit, we can make a real difference in their lives. When we protect and defend the rights and freedoms of these families, we help to end theft, homelessness, loneliness, abandonment, fear, helplessness, depression, abuse, suicide and death. When we respond to their cry, we become their voice. Coming together with protection is not silly. Will you join me in being a friend to these hurting families that truly need us.

I think we should all finally understand that organisations do not actually stand for what they are trying to suggest with their names.
But we donate to them, probably to appease our guilty consciences. We are convinced that we have done a good thing.
I had experience and observation of such organisations during the war in the Balkans. If all those who donated knew what happened to the "good" they donated for, they would be horrified.
A look back at the past ("Yesterday") only fills all those involved with sadness, while the future is like a straw that slowly climbs to the top. That tiny, thin straw that "social" organisations offer as salvation to the drowning.
Too many organizations are top heavy with administrative cost and not enough help gets to those in need. In addition many of these governmental organizations and bills are Orwellian by design. We have been silent far too long. Thanks@
There are families whose children are taken, yes. And a great many more that live in fear of their children being taken. I was one of those, doing what I knew was wrong just so I could keep my child. A great deal of damage is done either way. CPS is doing far more harm than good. But try to tell that to anyone who trusts their government, which far too many of us do these days.
There are too many sheeple out there who trusts the powers that be. There is also too much ignorance and apathy, which allows children to be stolen and sold and allows the broken home to continue. The war on families must end. If one child is stolen it is one too many.
The words to this song match up perfectly with Yesterday by the Beatles. Always a friend to those unheard voices who have been damaged from social tyrants.
Thanks so much my friend
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