
Control of cannabis and punishing users is definitely an issue from various U.S. State departments. From CPS, your children can be taken away from you, TSA will ban you from entering the US if you admit to consuming cannabis. In the past, of course, the police or DEA would be knocking on your door if you were suspected of cannabis possession, that comes with jail time if convicted. And then you have the FDA supporting big Pharma and they can't even acknowledge that cannabis may have some medicinal properties. At least in Canada, they have a national medical cannabis policy and are going to legalize it next year.

I research and write about Cannabis Investing and follow the industry very closes as I am active in all aspects of the industry. Check out my intro blog I posted a few days ago and connect with me if you are interested in my writings about cannabis. I just posted a blog about the Canadian and US marijuana index and which one is outperforming.

They just legalized it where I live. I'd be willing to bet half of CPS couldn't pass a drug test!

This is terrible. There was a woman who was given a ten year prison sentence for selling $31 of marijuana because her children were present: This is actually where my grandparents live in Kingfisher.

keep up the posts, ive been around for a while and its good to see you commin up in the steemit community!

good post..