A state snooper for every child!.............
I can not speak for all countries, though have noticed my own; the United Kingdom, and to some extent the USA taking more and more children away from loving parents.
We have our very own @charisma777 on here who is in the USA, who has had her child unfairly removed from her loving home, in the USA, please take time to check out her blogs with regard to this, and show her some love. here
One of the latest ideas in the UK being trialled in Scotland, is a state snooper for every child, so imagine that, someone you do not know watching the every move your child makes, and heaven forbid your child acts like one in public, and bullies another child even for 1 minute, regardless of provocation, that child would/will be reported to the child protection services and may/can be taken away from you/us.
What better way than to employ everyone in a government role, and expand the government so that EVERYBODY works in it, so nobody any longer trusts anybody else, and everybody is scared about how their child will behave in public for ever more.
Sounds dangerous does it not? here is the original article I read about this, it has since moved on a long way past the thought point.
The Stasi spying on children: It's an Orwelllian new scheme - a State snooper for EVERY child in Scotland compiling a dossier on their family life... and it has chilling implications for us all
By Neil Tweedie for the Daily Mail
Published: 02:04 BST, 31 May 2016 | Updated: 10:22 BST, 31 May 2016
Just imagine that you are a parent and one of your daughters cuts the hair off the Barbie dolls belonging to her younger sister. Cue screaming, shouting and tears before bedtime. But it’s the kind of thing that happens in families, isn’t it?
In later years the crew-cut Barbies will be chuckled about over Sunday lunch. ‘Do you remember when . . .’
But now imagine someone else learns about the Barbie incident — during a seemingly casual conversation with that hurt younger sister, say.
Being watched: The one million children in Scotland will be checked over by 'state guardians' as part of new laws in Children and Young People (Scotland) Act that comes into force from August 2016.
Being watched: The one million children in Scotland will be checked over by ‘state guardians’ as part of new laws in August 2016 - This person is not a relative or friend but an official appointed by the state, without your permission, and allowed to gather information about you and your children — in secret, if it is deemed necessary — and circulate it among other state agencies such as the police and social services.
It so happens that this snooper doesn’t possess the sense of proportion or humour that is essential when addressing the issue of warring children. This hacking-off of synthetic blonde locks appears a bit odd to our ‘state guardian’. Disturbing, in fact.
So, this government-appointed busybody opens a file on you and your family and enters a remark: ‘Older girl exhibiting signs of aggression against younger. Doll disfigurement may indicate deeper issues of anger management within family unit.
And suddenly it isn’t just about Barbie dolls any more.
George Orwell understood this kind of thing: how the state, always wary, always contemptuous of the people it claims to represent, forever seeks to exercise control over them.
Knowledge is power — and what better knowledge can one have of a person than that pertaining to the inner workings of their family?.....
It just so happens that Nicola Sturgeon cut the hair off her sister’s Barbies during a childhood spat, according to that sibling, Gillian. The First Minister of Scotland denies the allegation but adds that if she did it — ‘and it’s an “if” ’ — she would have had ‘provocation’.
‘She (Gillian) behaved the way younger sisters tend to behave, but I love her dearly,’ said Miss Sturgeon.
Being British, and lovers of liberty and privacy, we are all glad that Miss Sturgeon never merited a mention in some state dossier for her alleged Barbie-barbering.
This is well past Orwellian and will be rolled out all over the UK soon, it is time to take a stand, whilst people still can, burying heads in sand is never going to work, and this shows how far the state will go to remove a child from a loving family, to put them into dangerous care homes. 1000's of articles have surfaced in recent years showing the depth of child abuse by the state and so called care homes.
"Children in care homes are being subjected to sexual abuse of a "violent and sadistic nature", England's Deputy Children's Commissioner Sue Berelowitz has warned.
She made the comments as the government announced new reforms that aim to better protect youngsters who reside in the country's 455 children's homes."
2012 https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/07/03/childrens-home-children-subject-violent-sadistic-sexual-abuse-sue-berelowitz_n_1645135.html
2013 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-23199905
2014 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/major-study-reveals-true-scale-of-abuse-of-children-living-in-care-9587244.html
As always any comments or thoughts below please.
Have a perfectly pleasant weekend, and make a loved one smile.
Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates
Image courtesy of @stevescoins.
Images used from pixabay and pixabay says no source link is required, so I have no idea why we do this?...
Thank you for stopping by, and also for the superb work you do within the community.
Thank you for the mention also @deliberator I'm thankful for people like you!!! Much appreciated!!
Getting the word out while I can, and trying to help is the name of the game, thank you as always for the kind words, and I hope we can get to live in a world where governments serve people soon, not the way it is at the moment.
At the rate government is going here it could fall soon. There is so much negative behind the scenes that it's bursting at the seams...
Like most countries, due to the fact government in it's current state is beyond need, it was set up for the industrial revolution, that has passed, and so should government.
I think if they could just allow people to be truly free things could be better, there are so many rules and regulations i can't keep up! Next thing you know we'll have a coin deposit necklace we have to drop a dollar in to get air!
Arggghhhh, glad my children have grown up now.
This sounds like a) a mega waste of public money and B) one mega mega invasion of human rights.
How feasible is it to keep children 'off grid' if you homeschool?
Looking like impossible in the UK, hence why I moved to Poland, I feel sorry for my friends stuck there, the state has gone insane sadly.
This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.
Thank you kindly.
You are welcome my friend.
The decision that parents make whatever it is should be focused on what is best for the child.
Yes, and it should be up to the parents, not the state.
Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Exposing Govt Corruption
I managed to get my sister, who is a nursery teacher to do some research into this, she downloaded a lot of stuff from the UK Column and shared it with her work colleagues, they were shocked - https://www.ukcolumn.org/children
Sickening isn't it, and very dangerous ground to be on.
parents should be organized to take action on this, increasingly there are more measures that limit the satisfaction and education of children
I agree 100%.
good write up and so true....
as for your comment
Images used from pixabay and pixabay says no source link is required, so I have no idea why we do this?...
your post answers your question in many ways lol
Thank you my friend, and yes lol it does, though if enough of us keep asking this question, maybe the people at cheetah bot may change the code in it, so it stops flagging people unnecessarily.
This is nothing but governing every aspect of human life, you give birth to a child and a naughty government will inject your innocent child learning life a dummy injection or expose them to a cruel life outside the care of their parent.
When does it end? maybe one day people will have a child, and the government will "kindly" remove it from you at birth, seems to be the way it is heading now. Very sad times indeed
How do we put an end to this, people are dying in silence, afraid of the governmental power. we are living in chains, but claim we are freeborn.
That's happening more and more sometimes over drugs I'm sure but i feel like eventually it could happen over anything. All the reporting agencies now a days makes me nervous as this article says it's causing a society under fear. I understand taking children from homes where there is substantiated abuse, or neglect but sometimes it's over that one workers perceptions.
...there is push back north of the the border.
That is good to see, before they try to make this law for the whole of the UK, thank you.
let's all share a vote on our blog @zuhrafriska
Please stop doing this.
I know quiet a few people in the UK, and it strikes me how many undergo the insults of government as if it is just normal. And that privacy is something of the past.
source : the internet
But you can ignore that because this is a comment
It crept up on people, ever more snooping laws, cameras on every st corner, and before they knew it every move was recorded. Some like me fought back, the majority though just accept it. When you ask them why, you get the old "I have nothing to hide" bs. Nothing to hide does not equal a governments right to watch your every move.
Everyone wears clothes... Everyone locks the door (except me). Everyone has curtains to have privacy/
So nothing to hide is indeed BS