Great post, as someone who does her research I often feel judged and like I am walking on eggshells just waiting for someone to show up at my door and take my kids away. Crazy, paranoid... in this day and age where everyone has access to scientific research and making informed decisions is easier, it seems that doctors use threats regularly when you question them or refuse a procedure. I have a level head and I know there are some parents who go too far with medical refusal but don't treat all of us who have questions or disagree with a treatment or medication like we are extremist. Respect for parental autonomy please. I birthed both my children at home under the care of midwives who had total respect for my choices, we wanted to avoid the hospital as much as possible to avoid procedures that were mandatory. Upvoted Great post!
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Thank you so much for reading @danaclark! It’s so sad that we have to live in fear of getting our kids taken from us. It is very ridiculous that we can’t ask questions or we get looked at crazy for using our brains to make our own decisions. We always asks questions, I can’t just go along with things. That’s awesome that you were able to give birth at home with Midwives, that was our desire. Thank you for commenting and your support.