The cost of electricity here in my country is the highest in the southeast Asian region.
I am using my portable fan which I had put at the steel headboard of my bed right at the back of my head and giving me a light to heavy cool breeze 24/7 everyday. It gives me a good breeze of wind even at low settings from its push-button control, you can go to the medium setting by pushing the button twice and then if you want a higher setting you push the button again and if you want to go back to the lower setting again then you push the button again and ten to turn it off you push the button for the fourth time after reaching the third highest level.
The motor is a DC brushless motor and it is the best thing about this type of motor was that it really last for a long time which is why I had been using it for more than two years now, just a testament that brushless motors are really the best because they do not get worn-out so easily and they had been used in many types of utilities like for a few examples portable fans, drones, and electric wheelchairs. I am also planning to use an electric wheelchair soon because I needed it for going around the house whenever I want to, at least to the kitchen area and the living room area but not outside our small backyard because of the obstacles and cluttered objects around it plus our guard dog doesn't know me much as well for the reason that I do not see it very often.
I also have an AC electric fan, a stand fan type and it eats 35 Watts. I use it during the times that it is very hot, you will not be comfortable during the hot days or months if you do not have an electric fan in my country because the heat is combined with high humidity which is why the sweat cannot evaporate much and you perspire so much and that makes it hard to endure particularly if you want to sleep otherwise you will bathe in your own sweat from where you are sleeping.
The electric fan will stay in operation 24/7 if the weather gets really hot because when that temperatures rises the portable fan is not enough to cool your body although it is also turn on 24/7. But during times of rainy days I would turn off the electric fan because it gets uncomfortably cool and it does make me feel so cold even during the day when it is raining continuously with the skies in outcast appearance.
That is why we are saving money because of a lower electricity consumption if some changes are done like turning off the electric fan. In my country we enjoy a discount if we will consume less than 200 Kilowatts of electricity per month. I myself happen to use a Laptop with a processor that consumes little power and considering that I do not use it with program applications make the consumption of electricity even less.
Aside from laptop I am also using a 15 Watts bulb which gives me a bright daylight type of light, then there are the electric fan and the portable clip fan in which the portable type is serving its purpose well during the times of wet and rainy season where I do not need a full blast of wind coming from the electric fan just to save some money from consuming a needless electricity. I also use portable speakers that are just insignificant with its consumption of power considering that I do not use it 24/7.
My parents are not watching the television that much now too, they get their entertainment through their smartphones but still watch the local news at night before they go to sleep. So because of that we had saved a lot already by consuming less electricity which I hope that one day will get more affordable because of a planned operation of a nuclear power plant soon by the new government lead by President Bong-bong Marcos (BBM).

Electricity consumption goes high during hot season and goes down during the wet and rainy season particularly in the cold months. The opposite happens in countries with four seasons or winter months because they buy fuel to heat their homes and adds costs to their expenses.