The people are the depository of ultimate power / de facto color of law fraud / the truth matters.-Contest by @krnel

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

The truth about liberty, freedom and responsibility is that without any one of the elements you don't have it. Liberty and freedom are not free and the cost has always been responsibility. So the reason why #informationwar and #familyprotection are so important is because it is the third element that has been missing from Americans daily lives for a very long time. You see familyprotection there is no liberty nor freedom without also being responsible.  I and everyone else must be responsible for the consequences of liberty. Thus familyprotection and informationwar are both informing the people and providing that necessary news to the people through the respective news these projects create.

Doing whatever you like as long as it doesn't harm someone is both liberty and freedom. Having the right to be responsible for the unintended consequences is also liberty and freedom.

Someone must be responsible when the liberty or the freedom to act turns out to manifest harm into the world. In a system where the people have liberty and freedom it must be those whose acts caused the harm. @richq11 writes a post called : Why is the Truth Important: CPS and the "Right to Lie" and reveals the color of law fraud within our system. 

There are logical reasons why no one has the right to lie. It isn't just because it is not right though this is true. It isn't because it is not fair, though this is true. It isn't because it is not moral, though this is true too. It is because the whole systems of society is built upon the principals of trust. You see a real law man is trusted by most of society. When he says freeze people do because they know if they do they will not be shot. What happens when most everyone knows that the real law man can be a liar is they stop freezing. Thus truth is the glue that holds a society together.

The real truth is that without that trust, that our agencies are bound by the truth, no one from the politician to sanitation engineer would have a vested interest in the society itself. Societies are made up of individuals and individuals must have an advantage to being members of the society or they don't become members. Without truth there is no way to know what the advantage is or if there is even one to begin with. The responsibility for making a society desirable for the individual rest upon the individual members supporting the truth. 

The real mistake being made today is the individuals are not educated about the rules of society.

They don't know the culture, traditions and rules of being a member of the American Society. Being ignorant of the tradition, culture and rules of the society creates the problem of how can the individuals make it an advantage to be members of that society. In the past such knowledge was called a civilizing education. 

That civilizing education included things like the None Aggression Principal. It was broken down into easy to understand principals that members within the society agreed to live by. A quick outline can be understood by looking at the fact that a person who was defending him or her self could not be charged with a violent crime. Why? 

The reason is both logical and moral. Everyone has a right to life and everyone has a right to own themselves. No one has the right to take your life. If a person initiates violence they are in the wrong and have broken the first rule of a society. In doing so they automatically create the right of the victim to defend themselves. Such was considered the proper use of force, but not violence. This is the advantage for all members of a society and the depository of ultimate power to the individual.

"I know no safe depository of  the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we  think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a  wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them,  but  to   inform  their discretion  by  education. 

 Thomas  Jefferson 

Lots of people think that it doesn't count because Thomas Jefferson was a long time ago. This is kind of funny and shows that people have lost knowledge about the truth. You see truth isn't affected by time. It doesn't erode away. The weather doesn't change it. It doesn't change, though mans vision and perspective does. What was true during Thomas Jefferson's day can be shown to still be true today. How it can be proved is in the acts of the De Facto Conspiracy Corporations. All capitalized names are how Corporations are designated and such is actually an example of the color of law fraud. You see they know and are doing everything they can to keep We The People from learning that oh so important Civilizing Education.


The Grand Jury Belongs to The People–Antonin Scalia (1992) As proof:  Supreme Court   UNITED STATES, Petitioner v. John H. WILLIAMS, Jr.  
Get that civilizing education. Take a free civics course here.

We really do owe Justic Antonin Scalia for daring to be responsible as is required of those who choose liberty and freedom as their way of life. I think he was murdered for this case and many others. He kept highlighting the ultimate power of the people. The photo is of Justice Scalia and source is :POLITICO Do you see the all capitalized name UNITED STATES. That is telling you that it is a Corporations and operating as a De Facto Conspiracy Corporation under the color of law. The Conspiracy part is in reference to the fact that all corporation exist to make a profit, so don't trip about the weaponized term Conspiracy. So now let me show the proof that such is illegal and unlawful. See the definition of De Facto Corporations in : 

Black's Law second edition   Corporation de facto.  

One existing under Color of law and in pursuance  of an effort made in good faith to organize a corporation under the  statute; an association of men claiming to be a legally incorporated  company, and exercising the powers and functions of a corporation, but  without actual lawful authority to do so. Foster v. Dare, 26 Tex. Civ.  App. 177, 62  S. W. 541;  Attorney General v. Stevens, 1 N. J. Eg. 378,   22 Am. Dec. 526; Manufacturing  Co. v. Schofield, 28 Ind. App. 95, 62  N. E. 106; Cedar Rapids Water Co. v. Ceda.r Rapids, 118 Iowa, 234. 01 N.  W. 1081; Johnson v. Okerstrom, 70 Minn. 303, 73 N. W.  147; Tulare  Irrig. Dist. v. Shepard, 185 U. S.  1,  22 Sup. Ct. 531,  46  L. Ed.  773;  In re Gibbs'  Estate, 157  Pa.  59,  27                      (Screen Shot Mine)              Atl. 383,  22  L. R.  A .    276;  Pape v. Bank,  20 Kan.  440,  21 Am. Rep. 183

Source :  

PDF : Blacks Law  Second Edition   

Still many will say how can you prove this is a fraud. So I leave you with a screen shot of the first two definitions of fraud in  Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1856 Edition : 

Screen Shot Mine

The first definition is clear and the second one starts out with Fraud avoids a contract. Thus we can see that they are avoiding the contract we made when we instituted government among us. They are avoiding the Constitution for the United States. Thus it is up to us to use our ultimate power. As you can see they know who has the ultimate power in our society!

It is really up to us to get that civilizing education here.

All photo's are from I am not responsible for if you think, how you think, what you think or do. You Are! If you like my content consider up voting and a follow. Peace. 

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Fantastic article, cl. I would just add that the key element in this fraud being perpetrated and perpetuated against the people is that the education system of America has gradually been changed since the time of Reagan (and his signing of education coop agreements with the Soviets) from a liberal-arts (including civics)-based system, at least through high school, to a "workforce training system" for a fascistic economy.

All the education "reforms" pushed from the time of George H.W. Bush to Trump have had in mind what the nation's corporations need from graduates, NOT what a sovereign, Constitutional republic may need in the form of an educated citizenry. We ask for specialization from/for our students as young as middle school, and we skip subjects that are not considered "necessary" for the worker bees on the global plantation.

My dear friend and fellow Mainer, Charlotte Iserbyt (a Reagan-era Education Department whistle blower) has compiled an amazing compendium of primary source documents proving how the de-education of America's youth has been key for those desiring "the radical transformation" of America from a citizen-run republic to a corporate-run/controlled fascist surveillance/police state. It is titled "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of American Education" and it is a free download at

Kudos, and Steem on, my friend!

I have read this

"The Deliberate Dumbing Down of American Education"

It is a highly accurate snap shot of what is happening now in America. This however is not the beginning of the problems in education in America. You see before the civil war Americans where educated and is why the body count was so high. They had to get rid of the people who knew the tradition, culture and social rules of Americans. Thus the true beginning of the educational problems in America started right after the Civil war. When they marched the children into indoctrination camps called schools. Before than children where mostly home schooled.

Well, yes...I agree. But the serious drive to change, undermine and transform the American Public Education system (which was pretty decent from around the 1880s to the 1960s) wasn't until the Reagan administration.

I agree mostly with you on this. The fact is you can discover that even our PhD.'s couldn't pass a test of 8-9 graders from 1886. The records show there where no true or false question. No multiple choice and such actually started in 1913 same year the Federal Reserve was fraudulently instituted. Also the same year one can see the text books where changed.

I have personally verified that our PhD.'s could not pass there testing. They asked question like. Show the names, definitions of punctuation's and how they are used in a sentence. Having 38 PhD's walk out of the testing facility rather than take the test was enlightening. Out of the 12 who actually took the test the highest score was 36%. That question was actually the easiest one on the test. LOL

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