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RE: Warning: If You Have Signed A Refusal To Vaccinate Form Please Read!

Until recently I was strongly pro-vaccination, with cause. My youngest child was not vaccinated. No discussion, my wife just decided against it. Poor lad got whooping cough and will probably never be totally right. Hence my unshakable view.

So what changed my mind? Well, I'm not sure it's changed, but I am open to discussion. Back in 1979 there were I think only a couple of shots, one of which I believed to be essential. It covered half a dozen diseases including whooping cough and rubella. I firmly believe my son would be a lot healthier had he received that cocktail.

Now though, there are excuse me how fucking many vaccinations against how fucking many diseases? I was shocked when I saw that form.

Of course, they have all been tested properly, right? Not only to be sure that each vaccine is safe but to be sure they don't interact badly, right? Right? Oh, please tell me that's true. And tell me the solutions are safe, please. And that the companies who put this stuff together have been certified to the highest standards. Pretty please.

What!!! None of the above is true? Oh, crap!

I still think vaccination is an excellent idea. That is why we hardly ever see a kid with leg braces now. Polio was a horrible disease. So was whooping cough.

Pre vaccination, infectious diseases were often shared. Certain diseases are more harmful the older you get, so if your neighbour's kid had, say, measles you would send your younguns over. That meant everyone was exposed as a child, and the sick kid had others to play with. Vaccination is somewhat the same principle, but theoretically safer.

Theoretically. The sick kid would be sharing one bug with your brood, and it would be pure, not a whole bunch of bugs mixed with who knows what.

I doubt any vaccine is 100% safe, but sensible vaccines should cause far less damage than not vaccinating. I honestly believe that was once the case. I think we could go back to that.

Is there any chance you could stop fighting against vaccination and start fighting for sensible vaccination?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.



Thank you for your comment @catweasel. It is ridiculous how many vaccines are “required/recommended” these days even for a newborn fresh out of the womb. Where are all of these combinations coming from, what’s really in them? I see you answered your questions above...there have been numerous reports of vaccines being released and used on patients that haven’t been properly tested. Let alone when someone comes forward with an adverse reaction or total mutation from them, these vaccines are protected and never put on trial for the causes. Doctors go out of their way to make excuses or claim those reactions were caused by other things. I for one don’t trust the companies that are putting these vaccines together. I don’t trust what’s really in them.

It’s funny how parents of vaccinated kids still fear them being around unvaccinated ones. If they truly believed those vaccines worked then what’s to fear? Their kid should be totally safe right? I’m sorry but allowing my children to be injected with a virus that the world fears to get them immune to it just doesn’t make sense to me. We’ll take our chances and stick with Natural health and safer prevention methods. The real question is how are these viruses really getting here and why is there a new one every year?...but that’s a whole different discussion.

I really appreciate the way you approached this and asking this last question but I do not believe in a sensible vaccine. We have experienced firsthand the effects of them and what they do. We have watched family and friends suffer and there is no convincing me otherwise.