This is just RIDICULOUS!
I wouldn't doubt that somewhere a Social Worker has called parents "Child Traffickers" for letting their children run a lemonade stand or sell cookies door-to-door. It's just whatever that Social Worker feels like doing that day. And these people were EXTRA unfortunate to not be in their home town to produce these documents quickly. However, even if they were it probably would not have stopped the 5 months spent in foster care. They probably were just sending the parents on a wild good chase for the documents, while they connived other ways to keep the children in their 'care.'
Something else interesting to note, which I have had personal experience with, is that some very disturbed people like to accuse others of exactly what is their own worst fault.
So what came to my mind, is that this Social Worker was accusing the parents of EXACTLY what she is the most guilty of -- Child Trafficking. What CPS did was exactly what they said they were attempting to stop.
It just a sick, sick system and it has to be dismantled because there is no hope for reforming it from what I can tell.
It is very ridiculous and hard to believe they had to go through five months of this. I feel the same way about what they did. It seems they were just dragging the time as they planned what to do with their children.
I totally agree with your thought, she accused them of what CPS is guilty of. It’s just so sad. I don’t see it ever changing but only getting worse. It really has to be done away with in order for families to stop being targeted and tormented for no reason.