Coaching my son's rugby team: Giving back and building character...

in #family7 days ago


Coaching my 8-year-old son's under-9 rugby team has been incredibly rewarding. It lets me give back to the local club where I grew up playing, and share my passion for rugby with the next generation. Having played for this team from youth to senior level before turning professional, it feels like a full-circle moment. Now, I’m helping my son and his teammates learn the same lessons I did, both on and off the field.

Me giving the post match team talk

More Than Just Fitness: Emotional Growth Through Rugby

Rugby, like any team sport, goes beyond physical fitness—it promotes emotional growth. The kids learn teamwork, discipline, and resilience, qualities that extend into every part of their lives. Each training session teaches them the value of supporting one another, working hard, and facing challenges head-on. Watching my son and his teammates build confidence through small victories is incredibly rewarding.

1/2 pint with one of the other coaches

Teaching Winning and Losing with Grace

I don’t believe in participation trophies. In sports, you play to win, but learning how to handle defeat is just as important. Rugby teaches that not every game will go your way, and handling losses builds resilience and humility. These lessons are crucial, not just for sports, but for life.


While I want to see the team succeed, what’s most important is helping them grow into well-rounded individuals. Rugby instills respect, teamwork, and perseverance—values that will stay with them long after they’ve left the field. Coaching has allowed me to be part of this journey, and I’m proud to help shape these young players, just as the game once shaped me.


I wish they showed rugby a bit more here in the US now that I am finally starting to understand the rules.

Youve got to go forward by only passing backwards. Makes perfect sense... lol

Haha, yeah good point! I think the thing that gets me the most is how do they figure out if the ball is past the back most players foot to pick it up. It seems like a guessing game to me!

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