A little bit about me, my family and when our son was born.

in #family7 years ago (edited)

Hello, My name is Tyler, my sons name is Axl and my Fiance's name is Leslie. I am an iron worker, but right now I am a stay at home dad. I do not have many hobbies but I do practice Traditional Northern Shaolin Kung Fu. We just had our son this year it is our first, he was born Febuary 13th at 3:46am he was 7lb 11ounces, he was also of the 90th percentile, that means he was bigger than 90% of most babies and he is already so big I can't even believe it. I would like to share my story of when my son was born.
Once my Fiance's water broke we rushed to the hospital, about an hour or so after that she started having contractions and so it begins. The End.

But not really. My fiance had to get a c-section because the way he was coming out they said he was coming out on an angle, so basically he wasn't able to come out naturally, he also had his umbilical chord wrapped around his his head thankfully it was just his head and not his neck. When he came out you could see where the umbilical chord was wrapped, it sort of shaped his head into a small cone because their skulls are still soft his head is back to normal now, nothing to worry he came out a perfectly healthy baby boy. Once I had seen my son for the first time I tried my hardest not to cry, not because I wanted to be a macho man, I just figure every dad cries when they first see their son and I didn't want to be that dad, sure enough I couldn't bring myself to not cry, it is really a special thing to first meet your new born, you just feel such an attachment to your baby it is very powerful, I didn't want to let the doctor take him to weigh or anything I just wanted to hold him I was just so fixated on him. My fiance couldn't have the experience I did when first meeting him, she was doped up because of her c-section so she wasn't all there, unfortunately she doesn't remember being in the operation room. Once the nurses were done with him I had taken him and sat beside her with my son and just lay there for a bit.

We had to stay in the hospital for three night's because of my fiance's c-section, The first night was okay I had stayed with her neither of us had slept at all, I stayed with her the next day and decided that I should go home and get a good nights rest because at least one of us should be level headed and had some sleep, so I go home but my fiance calls me at around 11:30pm crying and states that the hospital staff are being rude to her. no one had told her that help button on her hospital bed wasn't working so she is pressing it no nurses are coming, she decided to get up herself with our son and walk out in the halls the get water, one of the nurses start yelling at her saying she cant have our son out of the room without it being in the bassinet she was just holding him in her arms, ok that's understandable that the nurse would say something but to yell it at her is unprofessional especially to a woman that hasn't even slept yet and is pain from a c-section, so you can understand my fiance was really upset. I calm her down a bit and we get off the phone and now I can't sleep cause I am worried about her and my son. I finally start falling asleep and she says that no one has come to check up on her, I decide to call the desk to where that nasty nurse is and I let her know that my fiance needs help, she says to me well why didn't she just press the button I told her it wasn't working, she seemed annoyed with me calling, so we hang up and I get another call from my fiance shortly after once again crying, she says the nurse came in and was rude to her telling her to stop getting her friends to call here for her when she has a button to press she was very rude about it. First of all it was only me who called so I don't know where she got "friends" from and secondly you don't treat your patients like that. I was furious I wanted to call back and tear the nurse a new one but my fiance told me not to so I didn't, we both stayed on the phone with each other for a few hours because she was upset and I was angry. I went back to the hospital later that day I honestly wanted to yell at the nurse who was rude to her but I had to be the bigger person and keep my cool I stayed with her till her discharge and you know what?, no one was rude to her while I was there figures eh?

That hospital experience was probably the worst either of us has had, but I am glad my son was born healthy and nothing wrong with him. Before we had left my fiance had wrote a very long complaint about that nurse we didn't want her to get fired we just wanted her to treat patients better from then on.17190447_10210112930832867_5460881937320864940_n.jpg


He is beautiful!

Thank you! :)


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