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RE: [Blog] Together, Together, Together

in #family7 years ago

I'm not yet married but I agree with what you're saying. THere's a chinese saying that, women are scared of married to the wrong husband, and men have the fear of choosing the wrong job. I find this really true, I rather be a monk that end up living with someone not suitable for me. I can see that you guys are obviously doing well. I can see that glowing light of happiness just from your smile :) It's great that you guys found each other. I wish the best for you guys.


Yeah, I was pretty scared of marrying an unsuitable husband - Ben was sure right away that he was ready to marry me but I had to gain confidence over a few months that I was ready to commit to be his wife. I've always wanted to be married but knew I'd be way better off single my whole life than marry someone unsuitable - and that's saying a lot because of how much I hoped for a family! Thank you for the good wishes.

Yeah waiting for the right one is definitely a time-consuming, most patient things to do. But waiting also gives you the time to know a person more thoroughly. You'll see the true person when you spend long enough time with him/her. You definitely did the right choice. So should everyone. Don't let impatience take the better of you and end up with the wrong one. And some is unlucky enough to end up in home violence. Love your post! Keep up the good work :) You made me self-assured that patience is a virtue and a thing to hold on. I hope my wife will say that to me too one day. Mature together solve problems together, and never leave each other..