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RE: Food Trucks with Bitcoin visa debit card from Bitpay

in #family8 years ago

Obviously I don't know when to quit or keep my mouth shut.... you know, priorities and all.
A picture worth a thousand words (screw the coins at this point)....
Under the delusion "upvoting myself enables me to attract more attention and get more followers"... O'really? Exactly how does that work? I thought excellent original content was supposed to do that for us?
"cypto is about money first, not society".... So, the fact this is a community means a lot less to him than the actual earnings he's making himself.
Let the whole thing crash and burn if that's what it's really about. At least I meet a few people who care for others more than the BLING BLING DOLLA BILL Y'ALL and got to support some really good content in the process.
Screenshot at 2017-07-02 20-06-14.png


The irony here is he upvoted himself twice in that screenshot for a total of over $30 (not to mention the $60 he's pulling in from the meme of my comment he posted under the steemit tag [when it's really just a meme of an opinion]). Not to mention the $40 upvote he gave himself on the original post the comments came from, or the countless $10, $20, And + upvotes he gave to himself in the entirety of the thread. And I'm to be convinced he's doinitrite. That's as laughable as trusting Idi Amin to watch your children.
"In any country there must be people who have to die. They are the sacrifices any nation has to make to achieve law and order." ~Idi Amin
I am guessing a certain someone has the same beliefs about personalities and accounts in this system in order to maximize profits, so long as the Big Shots get to play with there toys.
Does doing good deeds here and there justify abusing the system for one's own gain? IDK, but if a portion of the community seems to think so then screw that portion of the community.
They can call me crazy or wrong all they want. A simple look at his actions show how much he gives himself compared to how little he gives away. So whatever. He can have his cake and eat it too (and with a little luck he'll choke on it a little).
I'm done.

you forgot to mention that I buy steem power everyday since June 2016

Sure, I get that. But what you seem to be missing is if you are using said daily investments to primarily upvote your own stuff (and the stuff of your delusional following) and leaving the scraps for those who are new to the system, what good are you really doing for anybody other than your self and your gang?
These are not the actions of a hero, not of someone with compassion for others outside of one's own circle. These are the actions of a manipulative selfish narcissistic liar.
You can keep trying to prove me wrong with the same lame 2 lines, and I can keep trying to justify it. As they say, opinions are like....

Screenshot at 2017-07-02 22-09-31.png
Here's something we've never seen in any previous post of yours. And yet I'm to believe ....
Meh, I'm done with it. I am not going to roll over and decide money is more important than people. I've been broke my whole life and never expected to get rich here. More of a social experiment in the socially engineered construct we have here. And what I am learning is frightening.

broke for life?... frightening?.... hahahaaaa

On judgement day, GOD will show you(reflect) your greatest fear, don't let that be money

Broke my whole life, not for life. My future is secure in retail rental properties. This here is just a social experiment (as I said).
Man, how did we even get here from me just giving my opinion to someone else's "How you have $40 with your one upvote?" question? I really liked you, as a person (very charismatic in your vids). But to me, it seemed you took a screenshot of my answer not only for your own profit but to attack and ridicule me. So I looked deeper and saw the majority of your actions favour you first, your high dollar "Craig is a money god" following second, and very little for the rest. Which is your prerogative. Yet that out of context screenshot (without even trying to prove me wrong or even confronting any of the accusations that followed) really pissed me off. And, to me, really showed your true colors. Are we men or little kids fighting over the girl in the sandbox (with a pocket full of coins)?
I'll agree to let it go from this point on. Just really disappointed in your choice to ridicule and attack me so publicly without facing off man to man first. And I WAS reactive rather than proactive.

I only talk about myself :)

You shouldn't have even commented @craig-grant this guy is not for steemit! Steemit is for people who can figure it out! I'm new on steemit but im not b#tching im working and eventually my Power will be up, that's how you do it! @sornprar focus on your own story! #Don't hate congratulate!

i like paying myself for replying to those comments, sornprar could even be my own sock puppet account that I'm using just so I can reply to it and pay myself, blockchain is amazing :)

If it is then you deserve an Oscar man! lol you good bro! LMAO
Then tell your sock puppet account not to be b#tching on steemit! I know people like that for real man they be mad cause you grinding I hate that so it struck a nerve with me, anyway love the videos I'm in full support of you and trevon man ya'll keep it up.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

and smell my fingers

@craig-grant one question please, does it means that buying steem power via steem is enable to more upvoting amount in your own post . means more steems you got more upvoting power , so that how much time to get ROI for that method, thanks and cheers

It's his money.. he ( @craig-grant ) can use it as he pleases. You have no idea what anyone else is truly doing in their lives (or "how much they GIVE" to anyone) -- you are just witness to 1 fleeting, scripted, well-framed moment on a social platform boxed into a few minutes of time. I bet if you spent more time controlling yourself vs. trying to control other people, you'd be better off. Besides, you know the rule: DON'T HATE THE WINNING PLAYER, HATE THE GAME. If you were winning at Steemit, you wouldn't be on here counting people's coins -- you'd be involved with Steemit at a level that 'matters' and you aren't so.. those are your opinions and reflections of what you think of yourself and ultimately -- these are mine. To thy own self be true = MYOB = Content.

winning is buying steem power when nobody else cared, for 7 cents

This is the same cat who FLAGS "popular bloggers" who know how to blog because it isn't fair to those who DON'T know how to blog...check it out:
Title of Video - "Steemit flagging to reduce rewards, it's GREAT"

One hell of a charitable chap, eh?

@baah I guess by "NOBODY" you mean YOUrself. You are the only "NOBODY" that you are speaking for. @craig-grant is wasting precious now time = more money even addressing your personal insecurities, you are def NOT on his pay grade, whether no matter what he decides to do with this OWN MONEY. Your avatar is displaying you as a MAN, but I beg to differ with all this crying, begging and whining you're doing over another man's money. Notice how "whining" is NOT spelled "winning"? Cause that's not you.

@baah Winning means whatever YOU THINK it means. Go WIN on your own terms and use your own judgment on YOUrself. Thanks.

@ baah Sure you can. Enjoy yourself. It's an open platform.