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RE: Challenges of a Stay at Home Dad

in #family7 years ago

Let me be Frank ( not shirley)! My Dad was terrible! Lol but also wonderful. Its possible to be both. I feel your pain in this. And i honor you for being brave enough to live against societal norms. We want to say its 2018!! No such thing as... but here you are just trying to be a dad who is the primary caregiver.

I think a lot of what you are saying, shm"women can relate to.. but then idk because im another anomoly. Single childless middle agedish woman!

But i wont bore you with my tragedies. I just applaud you for being you. Keep trying. Keep talking to others first. Making friends is hard, especially in thos cliquey mommy circles. I bet you there is a lone wolf mom that doesn't quite fit in. Find her! Shes your friend!! Lol

Anyway i hope there are some upsides to your struggle. Have a few cents from me ;)