Where is The Parenting Handbook?

in #family7 years ago

A day in the life of a parent is far from an easy one!

I started my friday which is also one of my only days off as every other day! The normal summer break wake up routine, make beds, brush our teeth & eat breakfast. All was going well but I was little sluggish. So i decided to load myself and my two little ones into the car to head to the store for some coffee. I dont even have a coffee pot at home i dont drink it that often!

So, we get to the store where they have the dunkin diy coffee station, I go into the store with both of my children & any parent knows most of the time that is a chore in itself! Meaning both of them will not stop asking me for everything that catches there eyes, literally & touching everything they can reach! All while I'm trying to make my coffee! So naturally I am trying to hurry up,get it done & get out of there so I just barely set the lid on and make my way to the counter! Completely regretting even wanting the coffee at this point!

So now I am at the counter with two very upset little ones because mom would not let them have a snickers bar at 9:30am & this coffee with the lid barely hanging on! After digging through my wallet finally getting the money to the cashier I try to put the lid on the coffee! It slips off of the front of the counter, spills everywhere, & all over everything! All over about 10 different packs of gum & candy in front of the register! My once two bouncing around children became totally still! I actually was very calm although I'm pretty sure I was cussing in my head! I instantly grabbed a handful of napkins and started to clean up the mess, apologizing over & over! The lady kept reassuring me that it was ok & accidents happen, not to worry about it! Of course I was still absolutly embarresed! I finally get it all clean & in the car for the ride back home!

On the ride back home I realize I need to swing by the bank to make a deposit! We get to the bank and leave, everything goes smoothly! Then on the way back home, we pass a place called family fun center, which my kids are very familiar with & love! So they both spot it almost at the same time and the voices go off! Mom can we go, mom lets go there, mom i love it there, why cant we go mom, why, why why?? Any other day I probably just would have taken them but it was my "catching up on housework" day! I just didnt have time! So the entire ride home I was 31 questioned about a snickers bar & a fun center!

Its not even noon!!

So now its lunch time & we have been at the house for a while, both of the kids being pretty good! I was able to get alot done, crazy enough! Of course neither one of them can agree on what to eat, & both are convinced that I am going to make two seperate meals for them! Come on now guys give mom a break I just cleaned the entire kitchen! The less of a mess that is made with lunch the better! After about 15 minutes of going back and forth between spaghetti-o's & peanut butter & jelly they finally decide....
Grilled Cheese!! Ok guys no problem!

So they eat lunch & now its time for my youngest to nap! Sounds like an easy task right? We all would love a nap after lunch! Ha!! Not today she says, not today! So I tell her she has to at least lay down and watch TV but she doest have to go to sleep! I turn on a cartoon, tuck her in, & out I go! I need to get the rest of this house cleaned & figure out what I'm making for dinner! I wait about 10 minutes, pop my head in to check on her & she is out! Good news now I can clean without any interruptions!

Fast forward, she's been up from her nap. Now she is fully loaded with energy! Her & her brother are now running around non stop, while I am trying to make dinner! Which would be fine if they would stop fighting, so much!! Ok dinner is done, my husband is now home from work & relaxing in the bed! After a nice hot uninterrupted shower! While my children are still running around crazy and I am making plates! Goodness help me :) Finally get them to table, everyone eats & its bath time!

Bath time is always fun because I get a shower wether I want one or not, and my floor is always shiny after! So one after the other, they are bathed, quite sucessfully at that! Meaning I didnt need three towels to clean up the floor from the river forming from bath water! Now its bed time!

I finally have the kids all tucked in & ready for bed! I am one tired mama, just ready for a hot shower & bed! As I go to turn on my shower knob only luke warm water comes out! I am pretty irritated by this but oh well! Im pretty sure I look exactly like thus I get out and hear my son calls my name, "mommy"!!

I walk into his room & over to his bed, where he pulls me in & squeezes me as hard as he can! It was probably about 30 seconds but felt like forever! He says, "mommy I love you bigger than the whole world!" Every little single thing that got to me in my day all went away, with a single hug & tne cutest thing I've ever heard!

So as I lay in my bed thinking about my day i realize all the things I was upset about & the fact that I thought I was pretty much in a bad mood all day! My son my baby boy, my children, they will still love me " bigger then the whole world" even if i do spill a $4 coffee, burn the dang mac & cheese, or float out of the bathroom!

Parenting is not easy by any means, but I would not change it for the world!