Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) - Home Sweet Home!

in #family7 years ago (edited)

Let me present the house that used to be our family home:
Note these photos are from a few years back, when were like fresh into the house, few months in, but it's all still there, just full of boxes ready to be put into a shipping container.

This was our living room,
Many, many, many hours of our lives were spent here.

This was our dining area,

Then there is the room that was originally meant to be the rumpus room, but it ended up being a makeshift home office,

Then there was the master bedroom,
& our very own bathroom,

Chris's bedroom,

Our daughters bedroom,
& their play room/study

Then there was our main bathroom,

Not to drag it all out, we had guest bedrooms too, and then there was the laundry and pantry etc etc etc.

My favourite was the BBQ area!

Had a kitchen there too, and then there was the garage and my workshop and the shed and so on.

Before than what anyone thinks of this as bragging, no it's not bragging, in fact it is a show of just how worthless years of work, sweat and blood is worth. Cost a fortune to build and landscape, after all 12,500m2 of backyard needed to look as good as the house, can't have one without the other.

What some may notice is that the operative word above is "was".

Yes, that's right, the main and most important word used is "was"!

A house is nothing but a few bricks and mortar, nothing more than a few walls and windows along with a door or two.

A home on the other hand is where a family lives, no matter where that may be.

I know that we had a nice house and land package, big deal when there was no home there. Maybe our house was a home for us at first glance, but what is it all worth if our kids don't have a future there?

Not in that particular house, but in the place where we used to live.

So, que sera, sera,, whatever will be, will be!

From rags to riches back to rags and again, step by step to riches, only this time a little older and wiser, with a better understanding of the term "riches".

Home wasn't where my kids were foreigners, home is where my kids are home, where my wife is respected and where they can grow up to be individuals.

Home is the one and only place where we belong!

Today I walked through the house, every room of this 600m2 monstrosity and saw all the rooms empty, felt like a ghost, without the shackles and chains rattling, yet a ghost.

& 101 people saying to me "You're leaving now after you've made the nicest house in the region?" and similar things to this.......

Can't explain it to them, because they can't see past the walls and ceilings and landscaping. maybe that is why this place where the house is will never be HOME to anyone, especially not to anyone who isn't as short sighted or blind as them, that is for sure. (no offense to people who have problems with their eyesight), the blindness of the people in the former eastern block has nothing to do with their eyes and eyesight, it is in their minds and souls.

Often when I listen to people complain and whinge about things in Australia, I think to myself, "Shut the F.... up, you spoiled little buggers, you don't know how good you have it...." or something along those lines. Too many people do not know how to appreciate the endless riches they have back home. I guess it could be a good idea to send them to some God forsaken society that kills any life in everything around them, maybe then they will appreciate what they have.

IDK.... guess I'm just thinking our aloud again and one day it could cost me, but that is the way I've always been, a straight shooter. One shot, one kill.

Anyways, if this little smidgen of a life experience can get some people thinking and appreciating the beauties of home, then it wasn't a waste of me mindf..ing myself.

Remember, life is way too short to waste.

Enough for one night, especially for Christmas.... but then again, families all being together at HOME and appreciating the love they have is what getting together for a Chrissie family pig out is all about, isn't it?



PS. Next day. 26/Dec/2017 . This post was written by me last night on Christmas night, but under the influence of booze, yet I stand by every word I wrote. Every last letter and dot.


What a read! Home is truly where your family has a sense of belonging, your kids feels at home with friends and good neighbors . Where you feel secure and safe. Tks for sharing this

So did u move because of the people there?

People make a place home.

People can also make the most beautiful places into bare walls.

Looks great, American dream.
Resteemed and upvoted!

Your house is very well-arranged

pocketsend:11520@jackmiller, good info my friend

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