Our family is spending this snowy weekend at our lovely home away from home, Canuck Place.
Canuck Place Children's Hospice:
CPCH is a care facility in Vancouver, British Columbia which provides pediatric palliative care to children and families across BC.
Canuck Place
Daddy and Lumina
The Family with CPCH's 'Poppy' the Dog
Our family has been blessed to be a part of CPCH since our Lumina Jubilee was born more than 2 years ago!
This is a professional, well equipped and fully staffed medical facility but we don't just visit because our daughter is sicky, in fact this time we are staying for four nights just because we want to enjoy the good times, when Lumina and Hazel are both doing so well.
Angela and Myself having fun
Lumi resting with Cindy
If you want to learn more about CPCH check out their website:
Here is a photo of our family with CPCH CEO, Margaret McNeil, at the CPCH house lighting event last christmas.
What is Canuck Place Children's Hospice:
This place, their staff and volunteers mean so much to our family that words cannot convey. This place blends excellence and professionalism with genuine, sincere loving care.
We can get expert care many places, loving support and genuine acknowledgment of my daughter beyond her diagnosis is rare and it is what sets this facilty apart.
Thank you CPCH! We love you!
Some artwork around the house:
Hospice workers are truly angels here on Earth. When my Grandmother was in hospice care seeing the care and compassion the workers gave her was beautiful. With the holiday lights it looks so lovely, like out of a movie!
Its gotta be the hardest job on earth to serve someone lovingly, to let them into your heart and walk with that person down their long, dark road.
The volunteers and workers here have since day one shown me that they love my baby. Truth be told, theyve loved her since before I had let myself feel that vulnerability, that love.
Breaks my heart to recall it now but there was a time when we thought about not having our beautiful child, thank God he sent people like Canuck place to patiently, lovingly, walk with us through that.
Their counsel helped me realize a life with diagnosis was not empty or less, but in fact that every moment was all the more precious.
Anyone who reads this, please know I love this place deeply. Thank you CPCH for helping me learn what love really means.
Beautifully said.
Wooooow amigo sin palabras de verdad, por lo constante y buen padre que eres de verdad mis respetos. Nunca debemos rendirnos todo lo contrario mientras nos pongas mas trancas mas fuertes debemos ser, te aprecio mucho desde que te sigo. Bellas imagenes y hermosa familia.Saludos y lo mejor para ti.
Wow i really love to pics children are heritage.
Woow beautiful very nice, family is the best
Maravillosas fotografías amigo, espero la hayan pasado muy bien y saludos a Lumina
Solo con ver tu rostro se nota la felicidad que tienes cuando estas junto a la familia,bendiciones