The toughest kids in school...might not be who'd you expect. (featuring @hanshotfirst as author)

in #family8 years ago (edited)

I can't wait to get back to school so I can meet them!

This week, like many teachers throughout the country, I am incredibly excited to begin working with an entirely new group of students. (This isn't sarcasm. Yeah summer is great, but I'm not going to whine about going back to work with my students. That's the best part of my job.)

Let's get this out of the way...our educational system is incredibly flawed. But that is not what this post is about. The system needs to change but it will not change in time for it to affect the students who I will be working with. Good teachers look at the system and say, "The system sucks. I will do my best to change the system. But in the meantime, I need to help these kids sitting in front of me right now." Then they roll up their sleeves and begin the arduous (and incredibly rewarding) task of educating other people's children. I try to be one of them.

*I promise I will stir up the controversy of our flawed educational system in another post, but today is not that day. Please allow me to celebrate my students, both past and future.

Some of you already know I am a high school special education teacher specializing in teaching students with learning disabilities as well as those on the Autism spectrum. I teach World History and Math (luckily not at the same time). Unfortunately at my school, many of these students are enrolled in "self contained" classes like mine. This means that these students with special needs are not enrolled in classes with their general education peers. For 17 years, I have fought to change this... and have failed. My only recourse is to try my best to provide the same rigorous content as my general education counterparts. I just do it a little differently. The common abbreviation for "learning disabled" is "LD". In my opinion, and the way I describe it to my students, I believe "LD" should merely stand for "learns differently". They are not "less than" their peers, mereIy "different" (and I spend a lot of time stressing that "different" is good). My main task for the remainder of the year is convincing them of this distinction. In fact, it's a big part of my opening day speech.

Every school year, I begin with the same speech. I point to a sign on my wall that states, "Mr. Murphy's Creed: It is my responsibility to help every student learn how to succeed today and in the future". I then explain that there really is no reason to ask why I am doing something in class. I don't mean that they shouldn't ask "why" questions about the content or the world around them. In fact I want them to ask those questions as often as possible. I simply mean they never have to ask why I planned a certain activity or assigned a project. The answer is always the same, "Because, based on my knowledge, experience and research, this activity will help you learn how to succeed today and in the future". (Although I obviously answer "why are we doing this?" all of the time. I really just want them to know I believe they can succeed and I want to help them).

Next, I explain that the most important part of the creed is the word "future". I explain that I am working for the future version of themselves. It is that version whose opinion really matters to me. I tell them that I measure my own success and failure based on what their future self would say to me. If future Billy returns and says, "Murphy was way too easy. He let me get away with everything. I didn't have to work at all. I had fun and didn't have to do much, but he completely wasted my time." Then I have failed. If future Jasmine returns and says, "Man Murphy was tough on me. He made me work. But I got stronger." Then I have succeed. I sum it up by saying, "I'm not going to lose one second of sleep, or cry on the way home from work if none of you like me right now. I'll only cry if your future selves hate me."

The reason for this speech is to let them know without any doubt that I believe they can succeed and they can count on me to do my part to help. Many of my students have had at least one adult give up on them during their educational experience. The child struggled to understand something, so the adult threw their hands up and said, "This kid will never get this. Forget it. I'll just let him play on the computer. As long as he's not bothering anyone." The student may have felt immediate joy (video games are fun after all), but the message was loud and clear: "You aren't smart enough to do this". If this happens enough, by the time the student gets to me, they start to believe it. A big part of my job is to reprogram them to believe they can and will succeed.

Next, I move onto the elephant in the room. They all know that each of them has some kind of label. So I let them know that I don't care about these labels. I begin this portion by saying, "I know many of you struggle with reading. For many of you writing is really difficult. And others have a tough time with math. But that is ok, because I know all of you can think. And thinking is what is most important. Reading and writing are tools that can help you, but they aren't the only tools. I'm going to help you get better at using those tools, but you can also improve and display your ability to think using speech, pictures, animations, music, videos and probably some other ways I can't even think of because I'm an old man who doesn't understand all of your new fangled stuff. And just so you know, in my room, "LD" stands for "learns differently". Because that is what we are going to do in here. You are going to learn just as much as everyone else in this school, we are just going to go about it in a little different manner."

I continue, "Let's get back to thinking. That is where it's really at. No one is ever going to walk up to you on the street and ask, 'When was the Magna Charta signed?' If they do, run! But you better believe someone might ask, 'What do you think about the protests going on?' Or 'How can we find out more information about...' Every job is going to require you to think. You are going to need to think in every relationship. That is why this class is going to focus on thinking. You're already good at it. After this year, you'll be even better."

I finish by saying, "I also know that each one of you is smart. In this class you will have lots of different ways to show that off." Sometimes it feels like the biggest part of my job is convincing my students that they are smart.

Not only are they smart, my students are also the bravest kids in the school.

I have a request to make of you, the reader. Please think of something that you are really bad at. Something that you are embarrassed to do. If you can't think of one (Good for you! You are perfect!) I have a suggestion below, or at least an analogy... if you are an awesome dancer as well.

Maybe for some of you, it's dancing. You just don't have rhythm. Maybe you aren't very coordinated. And it's really hard for you to memorize the steps so you can at least fake it.

Now imagine that you are mandated to dance in public for seven hours a day 180 days per year. You have already done this for eight years in a row. To make it worse, you see 90% of the people around you getting really good at it. Some are even experts. Then every so often, someone comes in to judge your dancing and tells you how bad you are at it. To top it off, every nine weeks or so, the judge notifies the people who you love most just how bad you are at it. I almost forgot the best part, everyone is always telling you how important dancing is and that if you don't get better at it, you will end up with a pathetic life flipping burgers in order to scrape by. Sounds delightful! I imagine you would grow to despise dancing.

This is exactly what my students have done their entire lives. They show up at school every day and are compelled to do something that many of them hate. But that is the key: they keep showing up. They don't quit. No matter how embarrassed, frustrated or sad they get, they keep going. These kids are resilient.

I can't control what happened before they entered my class or what will happen when they leave, but I can do my best to provide my students with a dance floor where they feel valued and actually have a shot at succeeding. I can make it so my class doesn't feel like a scary dance floor at all. One second it's an art studio, the next a recording studio, then a TV production studio, then a poetry slam, then a meditation chamber. Maybe they don't have to dance in front of everyone else. Maybe they need some old school multi-colored footprints on the floor to help them remember their steps. Maybe their thing is just hopping in place... but they pogo better than anyone ever has! Maybe they should get to show their talent in their own unique way. If these kids get a fair shot to show what they can do, they will shine.

I'm going to leave out the middle of this story for now. I'll just sum it up by saying that my students figure out pretty quickly that even though I start out very seriously, I'm actually a clown. A clown who wants to help them to succeed today and in the future but a clown nonetheless. Hopefully I'll be able to write about those moments as the year progresses. For now, I'm going to jump to the end. I'm going to tell the future. Well it's kind of cheating because just as I begin each school year the same way, I also end the school year the same way.

Warning: the next part is SUPER cheesy. But that's me, super cheesy. By the end of the year, my students would expect nothing less.

On the last day, after my students have dominated the final for my class (yes I have to give finals... but I definitely put my own spin on them) I secretly turn on the song "We are the champions" by Queen. I silently walk to the front of the class and stand there. The kids don't know whats going on so they laugh and think I have lost my mind...again. The song is corny, but by now they know I am ridiculously corny so it's not too much of a surprise. After Freddy Mercury has belted out the first few lines, I lower the volume (but not all the way, it's not every day you get to give a speech with background music) and I say:

"Every single one of you should be incredibly proud of yourself. You have done one of the bravest things imaginable. You showed up every day and did things that were difficult for you. You showed up every day and fought and clawed to get the education that every person needs and deserves. The education that comes so easy to many people. You could have given up but you never did. I asked you to do some pretty challenging stuff this year. We analyzed college level material. You made arguments... and more importantly backed up those arguments. You solved tough algebraic equations. You read and you wrote....and then you wrote and you read. You participated in class and spoke in public. You worked together as good teammates. You gave others a chance to express their ideas. You respected each other. You maturely learned from movies with adult content like 'Schindler's List'. And you handled every difficult task with grace. I am proud of you. But more importantly, you should all be proud of yourselves. Now who answered "A" for the last question on the final? You got it right!"

In response to that question, every kid should proudly raise his/her hand in the air.

Because the last question on my final is:

Are you smart?

a. yes

There is no choice b.

Don't forget to follow @hanshotfirst

@gavvet features authors to promote new authors and a diversity of content. All STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author.


Excellent post! As a parent watching the schooling begin I am convinced TV, computers, smartphones and tablets are the root of the majority of 'learning disabilities'. The amount of time kids spend consuming media is insane. The first five years of a kid's life need to be spent doing. Not watching. Doing! The human brain is designed for experiential learning at an early age - kids need to get dirty, play with other kids, fall out of trees, get bruised, eat worms etc.

We have friends whose five year old kids can do math at a 10 year old level. But they can't ride a bike or swim. Not joking. And it's getting worse - parents are convincing themselves that plugging a kid into an iPad or Netflix is good for them. Because it's easier than getting off their asses and going to the park. Or packing snacks and going for a play date. Or building a fort in the backyard. Or knitting, painting, cooking...

We're not luddites and our kids get an hour of Netflix Sat and Sun morning. They use iPads when we're on the road. But that's about as much as they need - they have their whole adult lives to sit in front of a computer or TV if they so choose.

My $0.02

Thanks for taking the time to read this! My take is more of a nature AND nurture. A breakdown in either area can lead to problems. The brain is an amazing and complex organ. Even if you limit all of these outside factors, sometimes the "wiring" is just different. I believe it works both ways and some kids can excel even if there is an issue with the "nurture" side. I wrote a story about one such child a few days ago.

There are definitely physiological factors and I agree on that front - especially with the more serious conditions like the autistic spectrum. My comment is mostly directed at my recent experiences observing mostly 'normal' children, ie. no medical conditions, just starting school in kindergarten and Grade 1. From what I see in the parenting and the children I am very compelled to conclude increasing rates of 'learning disabilities' in children coincide with increasing rates of media consumption. Apparently American kids 2-5 now spend an average of 30 hours per week watching TV! Humans did not evolve to spend the first years of life watching TV... so this has got to be messing with kids. Humans have less brain activity watching TV than sleeping. These kids are spending a huge chunk of their childhood development time essentially brain dead! It's crazy!

Not a lot of people know about the fact that watching TV involves less brain activity than sleeping. I di a paper on it about 30 years ago in high school. I always keep that in mind so that when I'm watching stuff with my own kids, I try to ask them questions and get them to think about what is happening on the screen. I figure if I can't eliminate TV and movies from their lives, I can at least use them to my advantage.

We do much of the same with our children and they are as bright as bright can be. I am a big believer in challenging them and investing quality time too.

What I refer to as the "use it or lose it" thing our developing brains do where it severs neural pathways which are not being used and strengthens those that are is a big part of how I think about my children's development.

You may have a point. In theory I do agree with you, although I would want to know how much good quality mental stimulation and bonding the children are having with family and positive role models too. Don't get me wrong though, 4+ hours of TV a night is too much.

I am probably about 50/50 on the nature vs nurture argument too. We have so far to go with the nurture part. Being a parent really puts you into the hot seat. Children are pretty resilient but as a parent it can feel like every mistake you make is going to affect them for life.

Nice post! I think think that the mainstream education system, at least from my experience in the UK, is flawed simply because it is too rigid in its approach to teaching. Most people with learning disabilities don't require physical care to get the most from education, but rather need a more flexible mentality from staff. I was home schooled for nearly 3 years toward the end of my schooling years, and took my exams at a drop in center. I also nearly attended a Steiner Waldorf school which emphasizes freedom of choice in topic and times when taught and encourages independent learning. Being too standardized hurts pupils in many ways I feel. Anyhow, good luck :)

" need a more flexible approach" Amen!!!

AMEN indeed lol :D Generally the National Curriculum in the UK is created by people who are very tense and controlling so it naturally results in a overly rigid style of teaching, one that leaves many marginalized. Even though I missed out on a 'mainstream' education and the socialization that goes with it, in retrospect I can see that as a wholly good thing. I am better able to think for myself and be creative. Really the mainstream education is there to create masses of slaves who will accept being on minimum wage working jobs they hate. At least that is my perception.

I have to say though. Things have changed dramatically for the better since I was in school and catering for the needs of the individual was something I never was afforded.

yes I can imagine it has improved, but there is always room for improvement

You sound like a really good teacher. I was a really bad student. You sound like the teacher that says cool terms that the kids are using these days to stay hip.

Thanks! And I use them in really over the top cheesy ways to make the kids laugh.

Also I was a HORRIBLE student. My High School friends still cant believe I'm a teacher.

haha... You and I would have got along great!

Great post! As a former teacher, I really appreciate your approach to working with these exceptional children that many disregard. I have worked with special needs kids before and those were some of my most genuine experiences. Very special they are, and can see things differently than others. We simply need to change our own perspectives. You are wonderful! Have a great year.

"We simply need to change our own perspectives." Well said! Honestly it's the kids who are the stars. I'm just the coach.

God bless you for the work you do. As the mother of a child that suffered from a learning disability before much was known about it , you hold much of these students' future in your hands. We battled daily the teachers' ignorance as well as our own. From statements to the child from teachers_"you will never amount to anything " to "you are just lazy". We trudged on day by day until my child began to show progress and today is a very successful businessman with several college degrees. I asked him after he was grown what he felt was the turning point for him as we were never in the know about the learning disability, and he said when one of his teachers kept saying to him that he would never amount to anything that he thought to himself-you just hide and watch.

"you will never amount to anything " to "you are just lazy". This breaks my heart.
But this repairs it... "my child began to show progress and today is a very successful businessman with several college degrees. " You raised a fighter. Be proud.

Teachers like the ones you describe are a disgrace. They attribute their own failure as a learned adult to the child. Damaging a child is one of the most heinous crimes and is a vile gross misconduct from somebody who's responsibility is to unleash the potential of our our children upon the world which is sorely in need of them.

I served for many years as an attorney for special ed students and I can safely say that I would have never had to represent ANY of your students. You are a true blessing to your students and a very large credit to your profession. God Bless You.

Thanks for being a voice for the kids!

Struggle breeds toughness, and those that coast through early parts of life often lack the necessary stubbornness and drive to reach the highest levels of their crafts later on. I always refer to the novel Dune and how impossible to live in conditions shaped fearless and brilliant warriors while those who were coddled (with the exception of the main character's early life) cannot compete.

"Struggle breeds toughness" I like that! I may have to string together some of these comments for my students

What an interesting take on it. I can relate a lot to it.

In today's education world where everything is about scoring big on college entrance exams, it is wonderful to find teachers like yourself who are willing to challenge today's youth to think for themselves. Please keep up the great work and dedications

Thanks! I just hope that if they learn to think they will find ways to jump through the silly hoops.

You have a real vocation and passion for the hard job you do every day. Well done, keep it up, you are saving and improving quality of future life of many kids.

Thanks! I hope so. I get a lot of energy from working with these kids.

In this system anyone unique is labelled with something! It's not meant to give a leg up, but to maintain control. Thank you for what you do! It's good people who always make the difference! upvoting and already following

Thanks! I like that word "unique". Because that's all my kids are. Maybe I should go with "LU" "learns uniquely".

I appreciate the work you do. Beast wishes.

Thanks. It really is fun to!

You make school sound fun. I want to be in your class...It's teachers like you who think outside the box that can make school be fun.

Thanks for picking up on that. I talk a big game at the beginning, but I find I can be super upbeat and fun once they believe I'm serious about one thing: them succeeding.

I don't want to turn this into a political debate. However, I believe that allowing the government to control the education system contributes to students becoming unsuccessful.

You are something special , a Human Being as we were created to be!

My kids are the stars. I'm just the coach.

The world needs more good teachers like you!

Thanks. I work with a ton of awesome teachers. We just have our own unique styles.

I have been an educator now for 30 years. First, within the establishment. Then when I simply couldn't hack that anymore, in the private sector. Lately, online.

I loved your article.

I also "suffer" from dyslexia. I have already had to go back and make 6 corrections to this post. They included reverse spellings of letters, double 'e's instead of 't's', commas instead of full-stops/periods. If you scrolled my comments and posts on Steemit; you are sure to find examples, even with all the checking and editing I do. Common ones for me are "form" instead of "from", "ot" instead of "to", "c's" instead of "s", one letter instead of two, for example "comon" instead of "common", running words together, it goes on. I think quicker than I can speak or write.

The beauty of this so-called disability is that I have empathy for all my students that struggle. But it is this very struggle that makes them great.

I don't necessarily encourage students to go through exams unless they want to. I offer them the option, but it is always their choice.

Here's the thing, and you hit on it beautifully. I teach music. One board's exam pass mark is 65%, merit at 75%, distinstion at 85% + There are nine graded exams in total. An "initial" exam and 8 grades. Grade Six is considered the equivalent of University entry level.

I had one girl student who never fialed a single exam, but who never scored higher than 68%. She made it all the way to Grade 8, and I can tell you I am more proud of her than all the students who hit 90% + marks.

She went on to become a national radio DJ/Presenter.

Then you have the students that breeze through every exam getting the high marks on natural ability; ntil they hit a brick wall. In my experience it happens to all of them, sometimes quickly at lower grades, sometimes slowly; at Grades 7 or 8 when the going gets tough. Guess what? They usually quit. Why? They simply have no experience nor grasp of the concept of "hard work" . Not their fault of course, but in my experience, the one key determining factor that separates those that achieve and those that quit.

It is a truism that most heroes go unsung. Thanks for addressing that :)

I am into biographies of great men and I can assure that Napoleon, Elon Musk and Steve Jobs all had serious struggles when they were kids.

It is likely that kids who struggle when young develop an easier defence system which is more embedded into their thinking.

That said, it is comforting for kids with tough life's to hold on to someone they admire and often a good teacher is the figure they need to succeed in life and not give up.

"But it is this very struggle that makes them great." Absolutely! And a beautiful way to state it!

Thanks @hanshotfirst What I didn't mention is that I am also left-handed and received my elementary education in a church controlled school back in the day in Ireland when this was considered "a mark of Satan". I kid you not. Guess I have always been a rebel because guess what? I am still left-handed despite best efforts to make me otherwsie.
Like you, never believed I would someday become a teacher myself.
Thanks for your comment btw.
Lastly, I now have more letters after my name than in it (over 50 at the last count). Not so much a boast, but to say to anyone struggling out there; if I can do it, so can you. Period!
Loved your graphics. I am very fond of If you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree...

Wow. The left handed analogy is great. Now we look at that practice and think "how insane". I hope in my lifetime we think that way about a lot of practices that need to be done away with.

"The beauty of this so-called disability is that I have empathy for all my students that struggle. But it is this very struggle that makes them great."

We need more teachers like you.

"Then you have the students that breeze through every exam getting the high marks on natural ability; ntil they hit a brick wall."

I had some friends like this, they didn't even have to pay much attention in class and score high grades. Some of them now are nobodies who have really messed up their lives.

Thank you for your comment and the compliment. Much appreciated.

Thank you so much gavvet for posting this for me! I really wanted people to see this one.

For you, always a pleasure...

I'm about to get on a plane. Please leave a comment and I will gladly answer tonight. Thanks!

Teachers play a very important role in nurturing our kids, they are their 2nd parents and have to be recognize for such a very noble job. But sometimes their names were stained by those bad ones.

By the way, package is on chat now.

I have a lot of great kids!

@pierce-the-veil: Excellent post @gavvet.

Good sense of humor you have there @hanshotfirst.

I noticed you are a fellow master of the rare craft known as: Relevant GIF/JPG Retrieval". I guess ninja habits die hard.
commercial photography locations
Made me laugh, so upvote for you! Following now.



You are an awesome teacher! You are making the world a better place, and I'm sure, being rewarded with love.

My kids are the real stars. I'm just a happy coach.

Thanks! A sense of humor is a must in my line of work.

My kids are the real stars. I'm just a happy coach.

I enjoyed every bit of your post. I relate overwhelming to your story and could have used a few like you during my years at school. I had some of the worst of the worst. I got the lowest score possible in my final exams and dropped out of college later on in life.

The funny thing is though, my IQ is 137.

You may be interested in reading my blog on how I turned ADHD in my strength. I touch a little on my schooling there. I apologise in advance for linking to my own content in advance. I am only doing it because I do feel that it relates to yours.

Thanks again.

No need to apologize. Totally fits. I have written some responses about how ADHD can be an huge asset. I have it and it helps me tremendously. I think the most interesting one is paramedics. being able to concentrate on everything at a huge accident scene is a tremendous advantage.

awesome post, spirit to go back to school

Yeah I am really pumped to meet the new kids!

Your students are very lucky to have you as a teacher!

👍💙 great post