More trucks uncle!

in #family3 years ago


The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.

- Richard Bach -

With my family being spread all over the world I tend to spend a lot of time on video-chats which gives us the chance to catch up in real time and feel somewhat closer.

Most of those video-chats revolve around my niece and nephew and, whilst there's no substitute for being with them in person, it's a chance to spend time with them doing whatever it is they are doing at the time. Building Lego, playing with toy cars and trucks, riding bikes, skiing, ice skating, drawing, writing, games of imagination and cooking are amongst the activities we've done together and, whilst they're probably too young to understand the import of the call, I get the impression they enjoy it. Laughter is a good indication of enjoyment right? Those moments are very important to me of course.

With them being so far away those video-chats are the only way I can be involved in their growing process and, almost weekly, there's some new aspect of them that helps me understand them more and love them more.

Ariel from The Little Mermaid and just about everything in between. With my nephew, who is turning four later this year, we talk about building things whilst he actually does the building and he tells me about his favourite toys, asks me questions and generally acts like a nutbag...just like his uncle G-dog. Both are very special to me and there's nothing I wouldn't do for them.I've had conversations with my niece, @smallsteps, about her being a mouse with a fifty-metre tail or the latest character she's dressed as, the most recent being

In turn I try to show them what my life is like and often send images or videos for them to look at. It's actually quite funny that they respond to my video messages answering my questions and talking to the screen as if it was a live-time video-chat. I often get requests from their parents as well and I'm always happy to oblige.

More trucks uncle!

That was last night's request. Of course, the words didn't come from the parents in that way. My nephew had seen a truck image I'd put on our WhatsApp group chat and had yelled out those words right away. Ok little nutbag, let's see what we can do for you.

Working in the trucking industry has its perks, one of which is being surrounded with some pretty legit prime movers.

We see vehicles that are already out on the road working and brand new, yet to be delivered, prime movers also and there's been some very impressive sexy beasts in the factory, all of which I get to climb onto, into and explore. It's a lot of fun. I grew up loving trucks and now as an adult...Well, I act like a big kid around them sometimes. Of course, the benefit extends to my nephew who keeps asking for more truck photos...and he gets them too.

I sent some images and, after he saw them, wanted to video-chat to show me his new toy truck and tell me about his head.

Trucks and belly bouncing

On Monday he was being a little knucklehead jumping on the bed and apparently fell, bounced off his dad's belly I'm told, and flew head-first into the power point on the wall which stopped his momentum pretty quickly. There was a lot of blood, some crying, and stitches. He's ok though, he's a tough lad and my brother is raising him in the same way our parents raised us - Accidents happen, it hurts and then life moves on.

So, the net result is a lump on the noggin, a few stitches and that's about it...Life goes on. He told me the story which he laughed throughout, especially at the part where he apparently bounced off his dad's belly, and then moved on to more important things; his trucks.

I'm not sure what he'll remember about our chats as he gets older but I hope he's gaining an understanding of who I am and what he means to me; my niece also of course.

I hope to imprint upon them an impression of their uncle and leave them with the feeling that they can come to me with anything knowing I'll be there for them.

I'll be seeing my nephew at the end of April as I'm flying the four thousand kilometres to visit, but I'll have to leave again naturally. Seeing my niece isn't as simple as she lives about as far from me as one could be, and still be on planet Earth. But we video-chat and whilst it could never be as good as seeing them in real life it is good enough for the moment.

I'm looking forward to meeting my little coconut-headed nephew at the airport in a couple months and am really looking forward to him shouting, uncle Galen! uncle Galen!, as he does. (He's usually running around the room like a lunatic at the same time.) I'm looking forward to scooping him up and giving him an uncle hug and can't think of anything better the only thing that could make it better would be for my niece to be there too.

But for now...yeah, I'd better get moving and take some more photos of trucks...I have my nephew's insatiable appetite to feed.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

The image is mine: Kenworth K200


He sounds like a cute kid, I love the belly bouncing image although I'd love to hear his dad's version of events lol.

Shame about the stitches, but these things do happen. Also when he's older, he can retell the cool story about his scar.

I'm sure you won't disappoint him with your truck photos and stories.

Shame about the stitches, but these things do happen. Also when he's older, he can retell the cool story about his scar.

Chicks dig scars, pain goes away and glory lasts forever. (Or so it's said.)

So true G-Dog.

That visit is going to be awesome, are you taking him lego?

They jury is out on whether I'll relinquish some of my Lego to him at this stage. All of mine is Technic and whilst he's building Lego with his dad I think any Technic I left there would be commandeered by the dad! We'll see. Maybe I'll pull my Landrover Defender apart and take that up there for him.

Hmmm well if that's the case, it makes shopping for Christmas presents easier for the men in the family - everyone gets Lego Technic lol. Problem solved 😄

That's pretty much how it is. Predictable?

You must be the favorite uncle in the family.
Its so hard to have family living so far away, but at least we can see them and chat with them through videos, which is not the same, like you said, but its better than nothing.
I bet you can't wait for the trip to see your nephew.

I reckon I am, but that might just be my ego speaking. 😁

I'm really looking forward to that trip in April, the first flights I'll take in almost 2.5 years due to covid. Can hardly wait!

So truly said, true relations are not only about the blood, it's about the peace, happiness, comfort, we get when we are with one! :)

Yes indeed.

Family is the best gift anyone can have. I also got to meet up with my family after 1year and I was happy when I met them.

I'm glad to hear you managed to meet up with your family after so long and I hope you all had a great catch up. Was it because of covid that you couldn't see them?

Thank you 🙂It was not because of Covid I leave and work in a different state.

It seems you were really having fun doing conversations with your nephews. Even though it's just a video chat, of course, it meant so much for a loving uncle like you. It's true that nothing can beat the personal meet-ups but when there's no time, video chat is still not bad. I'm imagining that your nephew and niece are fun to talk with.

By the way, hello there, it has been a while.

Yeah, the video-chats are a lot of fun and I enjoy them immensely.

I hope you've been well and have been getting things done in the real world? You been ok?

Doing good for now after the super typhoon Odette destroyed our house. Slowly, we're fixing things to return as what we had before. Thanks

Sounds like a wonderful thing to get to see the little kiddo again! He sounds a lot like our little man, we actually just played with some cool trucks last night. I’m glad that he’s got some loving family in his life, besides us the little man only has our neighbors but that’s a story for a different day.

One of the coolest things about the technology today is the ability to do the video calls across the world. I video called my family when we were in Italy and found it to be such an incredible experience, with only a minor half second delay or so. It’s great that you’ve been able to keep in touch with small steps and your nephew during normal times as well as horse shit times.

It'll be good to see him. I'm planning to stay for over a week and I'd say, in that time, we'll manage to get get into all sorts of trouble together. Besides, he lives int he tropical north of the country and it's pretty legit up there. I'm looking forward to it.

you might as well share meeting as well

No hard feelings Gdawg

Video-calls are the best way to stay in touch with our faraway families. My nephew turns two this weekend and I have NEVER met him. Expect for those video-calls. I bet you and your cute nephew are looking forward to the visit. Although I somehow think the truck in your photo is a little big to fit in a suitcase

It sounds like you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's hard sometimes. Still, video calls help. And yeah, I think that prime mover isn't going to fit in my cabin luggage. (I'll try though) 🤪

You could drive it there. But the watery obstacles could prove problematic. Would make an amazing post though. Maybe even a movie!

Lol...I'd have to modify it though. Mad Max style. 😁

I came to make friends in the hive community. my self-introduction

The way to make friends isn't to come to people's post, ignore it totally and drop a link to your own post. That's how you don't make friends on Hive.

So what the friend said had to vote $100. if I vote for $50 and then I put the link, it's definitely okay.