To you my beautiful wife,
I am not promising you a marriage that is perfect and flawless, neither am I expecting a woman without errors from you.
But I guarantee that as long as you are trying, I'm staying.
I promise once again to;
(A)ccept and (B)elieve in you.
I will (C)are for you.
I (D)on't care what people may say,
Because I am (E)njoying the woman you are.
I'll (F)orgive your mistakes.
(G)ive you my heart.
(H)elp you achieve your dreams.
(I)nvite you over for lunch always
(J)ust to (K)eep you close to me.
(L)ove you and (M)arry you with everything I have.
(N)ever to judge you.
(O)ffer you my due support.
(P)ick you up when you are down.
(Q)uench your fears.
(R)aise your spirit.
(S)ay nice things to you.
(T)ell you only but the truth and try to (U)nderstand you.
(V)alue you and (W)alk beside you.
e(X)plain things you don't understand to you, but will (Y)ell slightly at you when u won't listen.
And certainly (Z)ip up when you are far.