At what point did they grow so much? These days I have not been very constant to write to myself. I am going through many things at the same time. A move that I have to make in August. At the same time the money that until yesterday was useful for the work I do, today is not enough because the country is up to its hands with inflation and as if this were not enough I had calculated all this with a trip in between, without taking into account all this economic imbalance that we are living in Argentina. As I once said, there are problems and problems, aren't there? There are people in the same country as me, who are looking to see if they have enough money to eat tomorrow and that really sucks and I had to live it once. But the truth is that having to be with a rope around your neck, beyond the situation of each one of us, is really shitty.

I wasn't motivated, I didn't feel like it, and I didn't have anything to write about either. But yesterday talking to the babies' mom I realized how big my kids are! How lucky I am to be able to enjoy them and how happy I am to be present in their upbringing. When I got all this info in my head and how lucky I am, I wanted to see pictures of them when they were little and of our first vacations, the first of many!
I remember that I had been living with my parents for 3 years in a row. I could not raise my head and the kids were already in this world. I was working non-stop but I never had enough money until at one point something in me was unlocked and it rained job opportunities, and with them a job change. When that change happened everything started to change. The first thing I did was to gather all the money I needed to buy the basics to leave my parents' house and that was it. When that goal was achieved, the next goal was to stabilize myself and that same summer we were able to go on vacation thanks to a friend who lent us his apartment in San Bernardo.
The first and one of the unforgettable ones I will have. Two lice of 4 and 2 years old. Impossible not to bite them all day long. Setting up the tent every day, eating the "bolas de fraile", or the daily "churros", the "sanguchitos" with french fries that we bought at the "parador". Or the little sandwiches that we took from home. The ice-cream maker with ice and the bag with the shovel with all the elements to build a castle in the square, without forgetting the tent and the backpack with all the essentials such as protector, wallet, cell phone, hats, towels and surely something else that I'm forgetting. It was quite a big kilombo for one person with two small children who can't collaborate much, and when they get tired, they throw tantrums or cry, but it is impossible to explain how even with all this that I am telling you, my happiness was absolute.
**They arrived at the beach. Bruna didn't even finish changing and she fell asleep completely hahaha like that for a week_****
The last days, I had the idea to invite her in the morning to see if she wanted to come and spend a few days with us at the beach to share with them since she couldn't take them anywhere that year. So we were lucky that she could also come these last 2 or 3 days and they were really a total luxury. Here I wanted to share with you some moments that I was able to capture even though I have a thousand pictures of those vacations, but I won't bore you, I hope you like them as much as I like them when I see them again.
Spanish Version
En que momento crecieron tanto? estos dias no estuve muy constante para escribirme. Estoy transitando muchass cosas al mismo tiempo. Una mudanza que tengo que hacer de forma obligada para Agosto. Al mismo tiempo la plata que hasta ayer me servia por el trabajo que hago, hoy ya no me alcanza porque el pais esta hasta las manos de inflacion y como si esto fuera poco tenia calculado todo esto con un viaje en medio, sin tener en cuenta todo este desfasaje economico que estamos viviendo en Argentina. A ver como una vez decia yo, hay problemas y problemas no? Hay gente que en el mismo pais que yo, esta viendo si tiene plata para comer mañana y eso es realmente una mierda y alguna vez me toco vivirlo. Pero la verdad tener que estar con la soga al cuello mas alla de la situacion de cada uno es una verdadera porqueria.

No estaba motivado, no tenia ganas y tampoco tenia algo por que escribir. Pero ayer hablando ccon la mama de los nenes cai en la cuenta de lo grandes que estan mis hijos! De lo afortunado que soy por poder disfrutar de ellos y la felicidad que me da poder estar presente en su crianza. Cuando me vvino toda esata info en la cabeza y de lo afortunado que soy quise ver ffotos de ellos cuando pequeños y de nuestras primeras vacaciones. Lass primeras de muchas!
Me acuerdo que yo venia viviendo con mis viejos hacia 3 años seguidos. No pdia levantar la cabeza y ya estaban los nenes en este mundo. Yo laburaba sin parar pero nunca alcanzaba para juntar un peso hassta que en un momento algo en mi se destrabo y llovieron oportunidades de trabajo, y con ellas un cambio laboral. Cuanddo ese cambio sucedio empezo a cambiar todo. Lo primero que hice fue juntar todo el dineron que necesitaba para comprame lo basico para irme de casa de mis viejos y asi ffue. cuando esa meta ffue lograda, la siguiente meta fue estabilizarme y ese mismo verano nos pudimos ir de vacaciones gracias a un amigo que nos presto su departamento en San Bernardo.
Las primerass y una de lass inborrables que voy a tener. Ellos dos piojos de 4 y 2 años. imposible no morfarmelos todo el dia. Armar la carpa todos los dias, comer las bolas de fraile, o los churros infaltables de cada dia. los sanguchitos con papafritas de cono que comprabamos en el parador. O los sanguchitos que nos llevabamos de casa. La heladerita con hielo y la bolsa de la palita con todos los elementos para armar un castillo en la plaza. sin olvidarnos de la carpa y la mochila con todos lo infaltable como protector, billetera, celular gorrros toallones y seguro algo mas que me esoty olvidando. Era todo un gran kilombo para una sola persona con dos niñitos tan pequeños que poco pueden colaborar, y que cuando se cansan hacen berrinchen o lloran, pero es imposible de explicar como aun con todo esto que les estoy contando, mi felicidad era absoluta.
Asi llegaban de la playa. Bruna ni terminaba de cambiarse y se quedaba dormida completamente jajaja asi durante una semana
Los ultimos diass, tuve la idea de invitarla a la mañana para ver si ella queria venir a pasar unos dias con nosotros en la playa para compartir con ellos ya que ella ese año no podia llevarlos a ningun lado. Asique tuvimos la suerte de que pudo venir tambien esos ultimos 2 dias o 3 y realmente fueron un lujo total. Aca les quise compartir algunos momentos que pude captar uanque tengo mil fotos de esas vacaciones, pero no voy a aburri, ojala les gusten como me gustan a mi cuando las vuelvo a ver.
Que hermoso recuerdo! y que hermosa familia que tenes mi hermano. Felicitaciones y gracias por compartir.
Ey! Gracias por leerme y también por tu comentario.