Three Things That Money Cannot give you

in #family7 years ago

Sounds so ironic: even when people risk losing their job, their homes, and even their retirement, many of them are still obsessed with all that money can buy.

These users are more comfortable to target advertisers whose attractive marketing campaigns tell us we need to have a larger house, a better car, and designer clothing. No money? No problem - buy a loan! For many, the goal is useful to look even if they are in debt.

Of course, sooner or later it is created. "Buying consumer goods on loan for a winning impression is like hitting the cracks to improve the mood," says The Narcissism Epidemic. "Both are inexpensive and work very well, but only for a concise time, and in the long run, they both leave without money and depression."

The Bible exposes the madness of what it calls "the advancement of means for life" (1 John 2:16). The fact is that property obsession with us separates things that are most important in our lives: money cannot bring. Consider three examples.