I understand your point and I definitely agree on the controversy of leaving one's country on the one hand and trying to get some social money on the other. The line of in and out of a "system" is though a blurry line and doing it like you propose is not achievable, you can not travel around without papers for example. No bank account is also not easy.
For me, the essence of this article is about freedom and especially the choice of homeschooling or sending them to school. Schools might be a luxury for some, I agree but once schools are obligatory and you start to realise how schools change your child in a way you don't want, how the child looses interest in studying because of the school, how the child is actually wasting 80% of his/her time in these schools, then you might want something else. It is too late in that moment to decide this from birth-time of the child, you want the freedom and right to change, that should be accepted! With love
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Regarding the benefits, I pay 53% income tax and then 25% tax on everything I buy, I pay about 40.000 Euro a year in taxes and I see it as my God given right to be able to claim a very small part of that money back that has been robbed from me over the last ten years.Thank you @bubke for your insight.
It might seem a bit cheeky but I believe I am entitled to that money, but as it turns out I didn't get a chance to claim it so it look like they won.
Im not being funny, I just felt as though I needed to clear that up. :)