You left such a powerful comment and I want to thank you for spreading this aware message @misslasvegas! When I have children I want to have a midwife at home and a water birth in the bathtub as I do stillness meditation <3
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That's an awesome plan. With the intention on that, I am sure when you have kids, you will have the birth(s) of your dreams. I had my youngest two UC (unassisted) because of some experiences that made me distrust midwives in my area. They were the two most empowering experiences ever. Meditation helps to trust the body to do what needs to be done. That's what especially western women lost: they're not in touch with their instinctive nature and trust others over themselves. My two UC births were painless and with the last one I was even disappointed that it went so fast! Now I know there are wonderful midwives out there that will be completely hands-off and just 'be' there on the sidelines. Unfortunately, not where I was at the time so that made me go the way I did. I haven't regretted it one moment. My middle two were born in a birth pool, with the youngest I was too late lol.