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RE: Food Trucks with Bitcoin visa debit card from Bitpay

in #family8 years ago (edited)

It's his money.. he ( @craig-grant ) can use it as he pleases. You have no idea what anyone else is truly doing in their lives (or "how much they GIVE" to anyone) -- you are just witness to 1 fleeting, scripted, well-framed moment on a social platform boxed into a few minutes of time. I bet if you spent more time controlling yourself vs. trying to control other people, you'd be better off. Besides, you know the rule: DON'T HATE THE WINNING PLAYER, HATE THE GAME. If you were winning at Steemit, you wouldn't be on here counting people's coins -- you'd be involved with Steemit at a level that 'matters' and you aren't so.. those are your opinions and reflections of what you think of yourself and ultimately -- these are mine. To thy own self be true = MYOB = Content.


winning is buying steem power when nobody else cared, for 7 cents

this is how

This is the same cat who FLAGS "popular bloggers" who know how to blog because it isn't fair to those who DON'T know how to blog...check it out:
Title of Video - "Steemit flagging to reduce rewards, it's GREAT"

One hell of a charitable chap, eh?

Nice find, thanks for the share.
On a side note, I really have to start question the system itself. If there is some trickery going on behind the scenes to favour the developers who are profiting as well as those who first got on board. Of course I understand they have earned or invested to get where they are, but does that make it okay to abuse it (and lie about it, he never confronted my accusation of putting the majority of his voting power into self voting himself and his gang while leaving the scraps for those he claims to be helping so much)? I grow tired of bashing my head against a wall with this guy and his gang of brown-nosers.
My example is this.... I did not upvote @avva's comment below. And yet the system is claiming I did. And when I go to remove the vote, it throws the error "Vote weight cannot be 0" and refuses to remove my supposed ghost upvote. Strange, very strange indeed.
Screenshot at 2017-07-03 11-15-08.png
I have decided to let this go. Better things to do with my day, and (let's face it) the system is built to allow such abuse as well as for folks like him to encourage others to take advantage of it while they can. Who am I to call anyone out? If thousands of people wanna cram their noses so far up this guy's ass, while he selectively puts his own up that of the handful of Whales that are basically abusing the system as he is, so be it.
Yet is surely does appear to me more and more this system is just a trick to fool newcomers into investing into a system who's reward pool is being raped by those who got into it early.

you are right and I am wrong, now I'll go ahead and forgive myself

@baah Envy and jealous will get you .. where you are -- NOWHERE! Steemit created an OPEN PLATFORM and sorry, they didn't consult YOU and your ideas of how shxx should be done. Word of advice, don't depend on other people to NOT crap on your "dreams".. This platform has value NOW because people like @craig-grant INVESTED IN IT WITH THEIR OWN HARD EARNED MONEY when you were somewhere else BEGGING FOR MONEY.

This is the same cat who FLAGS "popular bloggers" who know how to blog because it isn't fair to those who DON'T know how to blog...check it out:
Title of Video - "Steemit flagging to reduce rewards, it's GREAT"

One hell of a charitable chap, eh?

Actually, I posted it twice because I wanted it to show under your comment....but it kept getting buried under all the other crap...and i didn't bother deleting the first one ...sorry...

@baah I guess by "NOBODY" you mean YOUrself. You are the only "NOBODY" that you are speaking for. @craig-grant is wasting precious now time = more money even addressing your personal insecurities, you are def NOT on his pay grade, whether no matter what he decides to do with this OWN MONEY. Your avatar is displaying you as a MAN, but I beg to differ with all this crying, begging and whining you're doing over another man's money. Notice how "whining" is NOT spelled "winning"? Cause that's not you.

@baah Winning means whatever YOU THINK it means. Go WIN on your own terms and use your own judgment on YOUrself. Thanks.

@ baah Sure you can. Enjoy yourself. It's an open platform.