The main idea in this article about how to create a clean next generation is for adults of this generation to start living clean. And it is easy to understand: chlidren learn from your acts, rather than your words.
And that's the main problem I have been seeing in Aceh especially where I live, that there is sadden truth of lack of model from adults, wether at home or school. Yes, I know that living clean is now in the curriculum for primary school but I keep seeing that schools failed to bring it to practice in life.
piket kelas bersihin meja dan papan tulis udah gak ada lagi ya?
Some Idea
I dont know about that. But I personally think that to provide a clean and pleasing school environment is not students' responsibility, it's school's. Student's responsibility related to this issue is to not littering nor to perform vandalism. Schools are responsible to building a system in which students aware about the importance of clean living and respect it as part of nature friendly attitude. It's not enough to just put a big poster in Arabic that tells "cleanliness is next to godliness", because living clean should not just be an idea in a poster.
And so at home, about this, I totally agree with the article. But to note: once a kid goes to school, they are no longer the same. They start to process much more informations from experience. They start spending more of their precious time outside of parents' range. This shows the importance of a good foundation, I think.
And yes, both schools and home are important.
Note: this is just an idea and opinion, since I am not an expert in education field nor in family (raising kid) issue.