
anarchism->socialism->communism->progressiveness->liberalism-->humanism->back to anarchism

the wheel of lies never stops turning

Don't forget neo-functionalism!

gottinhimmel...another term to look up!?!?!?! ;>

why do I bet it's the same crap with just a different name? LOL

Don't bother- it is! I wrote a book review for one of my professors about how the ICJ is just a front for US hegemony. I said it was from a Marxist perspective and he corrected it- neo- functionalist!

How do you like my other term... sheepthink???

sheepthink, groupthink, herdthink

all convey the same bbaaahh mentality

we have to ( and I am very bad at this)keep in mind that we are in a propaganda war and should try to avoid insulting people we are trying to persuade. I kind of cringe when I hear fols that are farther to the Right than I am use the word sheeple...even if the language and tone I sometimes use has the same effect

otoh, Trump has shown the value of showing a combative posture as well

It's only a propaganda war if both sides use propaganda... I use the truth to make people think. Believe it or not- the truth is NOT subjective!

propaqganda does not mean lying.

lying can be propaganda, yes.

information war is about controlling information...getting truth out there...sometimes in easy to swallow spoonfuls of propaganda

the reason the truth is NOT subjective is because it's the product of an exegetic standard