Fallout Shelter - The Ultimate Game Review

in #fallout7 years ago

Welcome to Fallout Shelter - The Ultimate Game Review!

Hello Steemers and Welcome to my new series: The Ultimate Game Review Compilation!
In this Series, I share the very best thoughts from our friends in the comment section of Steam games. These thoughts are left by myself and thousands of other users on the Steam Platform. Every Review is Credited to the Original Poster by their steam name from the Steam Games App (http://store.steampowered.com). None or these reviews are taken from professional writers on blog sites, websites or articles. These are all just people like you and me and their thoughts after trying a game.

The reason I decided to do this was because most Gaming Reviews always seem so one sided, perhaps the Author has an agenda, perhaps they are predjeduce or a bigot. Who knows. With this series, I feel like Gamers, like you and I will get the absolute best experience possible when trying to determine whether the game is for you or not. The reason being, we will get to see the thoughts of not just 1 but many "Average Joes" like you and I and their thoughts after playing a game.

So please, sit back and Enjoy this Ultimate Game Review that I've compiled together for you!

Good For Stalling Time

By Chrizesu/Rain

A pretty cute game for stalling time, but shouldn't be played for long periods of time. Unfortunantly it follows the f2p trend of making people wanting to spend money out of frustration. I'll probably keep playing it while catching up on video series I've missed, but I'm not going to put any money into it. If there was a $10 version that had active gameplay and also didn't have any pay-to-win/cash shop elements I would most likely buy it.

I have to say, art style wise this game is adorable and a lot of the random chatter is pretty adorable. I also feel like there's a lot of potential for colony sims with rpg side elements.

Phone 2 PC

By Retake

Good phone to PC game, but not very attracting
I have played this game on my phone for months, so as I played it on pc and found nothing different or new, I think I am ready to review it.
I won't bore you and therefore keep it very short. You're meant to expand and prosper, create rooms in your VAULT for dwellers.
You're meant to assign dwellers to different rooms based on their S.P.E.C.I.A.L statistics (like Power generator room needs dweller with strength, therefore assign your strongest dwellers to Power generation room). New dwellers come randomly from wasteland or your dwellers can make out and have babies if you assign a male and female to a, I forgot the exact name, living room.
okey you know what? I'll skip to the end , the game is a bit engaging at the beginning, but soon it washes off. You don't even feel accomplished if you fully dwell up your vault, and for people like me who played it hours and hours on phone, it's just a download-try-remove game.
TRY IT , if you haven't played it yet, do it. It's a good game. It needs you to reopen it once in a while though, like clicker heros or something, so best way to play it is play it while doing something else.

A Through and Through Mobile Game

By Wirdjos

The first thing you need to understand about Fallout Shelter is that it's a mobile game through and through. Even the Steam version has ended up as less of a port and more of an emulation of the original iOS game. All of the needless clicking, microtransations, and timers that are ubiquitous in the mobile market - and so out of place on the PC - are still alive and well here.

The concept of the game itself is simple enough: build a Vault that produces enough food, water, and energy for its dwellers to survive and also protect them from random dangers. The means of producing those necessities and the dangers interrupting that pursuit have a few subtle variations, but exploring the wasteland and embarking on quests are the only things that actually break up the monotony. The dialogue during those quests and the journal entries a dweller makes while out in the wasteland are both surprisingly and darkly hilarious. Combining this clever writing with the excitement of collecting new items, the time spent outside of the Vault invigorates time spent inside it. However, that feeling can only last so long before the staleness of the majority of the experience overwhelms it. The same can be said about customizing dwellers or upgrading their equipment. More options, many of which are obviously worse than others, cannot make up for the fact that there's nothing more to do with them.

Fallout Shelter was made as a promotional tool and the attempt to grow past its beginnings by adding more content has not changed that fact. Modular pieces shoddily rearranged over and over again, sadly, do not make for exciting experiences. And yet, I've spent well over a hundred hours in this game, not counting the time I spent playing it on iOS. Something about Fallout Shelter certainly seems to appeal to me. I just wish I could figure out what it is.


By WolfauraRose

This game is fun and addictive at first when you are first building your vault and trying to establish it.

Then it becomes a game you can't play much at all as you try to increase the number of your vault dwellers, it takes 3 hours for a woman to give birth and then 3 more hours for a child to grow up and be able to work as children in this game are useless and can't do anything.

So you just check your game every 3 hours and play other games. Though I often would leave the game running when trying to get achievements and do some art. As just sitting there watching a slow paced game is quite boring.

Then once you have reached the amount of dwellers you want in your vault, it's even less time playing as you train them which can take over 8 hours to gain 1 point in a stat and then make better guns which takes around 12 hours for every gun made. And the quests are quite fun, but yet again it takes 3 hours or more for them to travel to the quest location.

But you can skip most of the waiting if you cheat, but I refuse to or spend money on nuka cola to speed up time. You can find nuka cola sometimes but the amount you find is never enough and you can't speed up birth time or child growing up, unless you change your clock on your PC or use some save edit program. But I don't like to mess with things or cheat.

I'd class this game as alright, fun at first and then it's just a waiting game, made to encourage people to spend money all the time and I don't want to as I don't think the game is good enough as there is no end or you can't really win or complete the game. It's not something that you can play to pass time or boredom as it's more than likely to cause boredom as there is so much waiting.

I recommend as you can play it now and then and I play it as I love the Fallout world and the feeling of running my own vault. But that said it's a rather boring job being a overseer.

I'd rate the game 6/10 alright.

Thanks for Reading the Review Compilation!

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If you have any Questions or Thoughts, leave me a Comment too!
Lots of Time and Effort goes into these Reviews, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoy putting these together!


Source: http://steamcommunity.com/id/wirdjos5/recommended/588430/

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Did you somehow miss the entire first paragraph that states This is a compilation of comments and reviews from the steam store?

Nothing of this article is copied from an actual "Website" or paid blogger. No Articles have been ripped off, nothing.

Leave me alone and let me do my thing. This kind of white knighting is wrong, especially when these are ALL credited and a link to the steam store is also provided.

Did you read the credit to the original poster at the start of each review? Literally EVERYTHING is credited.

Were you aware you can't "Link" an individual comment from the steam store?

@steemcleaners were you aware that this is a compilation blog, like it SAYS in the very FIRST two lines of the blog.

Great policing.

Its not your first time.... 10 of your post had been flagged for obv reasons...

click here!This post received a 1.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @doitvoluntarily! For more information,