What fallout 76 did right and wrong.

in #fallout6 years ago

First off let me say that the concept of Fallout 76 is amazing, and could be great in the future. How ever the concept is the only thing they did right.

Everything is wrong with Fallout 76. From the player to player interactions down to the weapon system. First off the servers are much too small for the type of game it is. This style requires a minimum of 300 per server to be enjoyable. I understand they attempted to appeal to the solo player, but they did it in the wrong way. They should have just made a solo mode where you are on your own server. With nerfed enemies, if that's how you wanted to play.

Next let's talk about how limited the public events are. The final product seems more like a beta with these events. They are not enjoyable and take too long for the task you have to complete. For example all of the power plant events take too much repairing vs fighting. There should also be dungeon like instances for people of specific levels meaning they can scale a dungeon to be difficult enough to be enjoyable, but still doable.

Now the weapon system is moronic, I am ok with the whole need to find proper materials to fix your guns, but there is not enough special edition equipment with a low drop rate to strive for. That's part of what makes these games.

That is just the things that proved me off the most out of it all. There is still a whole lot wrong with this game, and if you played it I'm sure you know all about it. Tell me I'm wrong if you think other wise.

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