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RE: Fake News? Where is this leading and why?

in #fakenews8 years ago

So the claim is that there is a global elite satanic pedo ring that has been running for decades?

Except we know satanists don't do these things and don't even believe in Satan. Christian ministers are frequently found to be engaging in these acts though, so let's not lay this one at Satan's feet. Let's just lay it at the feet of people who have a serious predilection. This lowers the burden to only trying to demonstrate that there is a pedo ring operating at the elite global level.

Now your own words where that

There is a "truckload of evidence".

Except that in that truckload of evidence is a distinct lack of anyone stepping forward with claims of actually being a victim? Even someone being cast as mentally unbalanced? I still have yet to see anything resembling a truck load of evidence. In fact I have yet to see anyone present ANYTHING except completely unsubstantiated claims. Show me something, anything which has you convinced because you are my friend and I know you are not weak minded like this.

All I'm asking for is a chance to review something that resembles evidence.
Because without evidence all you have are unsubstantiated claims but this is worse than that.

I see claims floating on the internet and being relayed with no critical thought being applied. No sources, literally no police reports that anyone has filed nor claims by the person who filed the police report. Just "police reports have been ignored". Police don't ignore these things no matter who they traceback to. Pedo is the easiest shot in police work, they routinely bust even high ranking people for it. Which is why I have no problems assuming that high level government officials did these things. However those claims are first hand accounts by the victims, or stings by the police.

Yet seems to me that you're repeating unsubstantiated claims being made by people who by their own admission claim to have never been there, never been involved and do not actually know any of the victims, nor are they victims themselves. They strongly suspect, based on some form of third or fourth level inference from an email leak that may or may not be tampered with.

Isn't there a word for this?

A much better use of your time is to join the organizations that really are trying to free children from this horrific abuse. There is abuse that goes on all the time, but all these people investigating pizzagate could be helping track down real children that are missing or abused. Please give your efforts to RAINN, ICAC and NCMEC. You could really make a difference with this energy and maybe save the life of a real child.