5 Worst Parts Of 2017

in #fakenews7 years ago (edited)


Goodbye, 2017! We will not miss all these ridiculous and disgusting events that happened during the year, and we hope 2018 will be a much more promising year. Here are five worst parts that occur in 2017.


November 9th, 2016 a day I will never forget, and neither are these losers. After the loss of Hillary Clinton and the Triumph win of Donald J Trump, the salty movement was born. Sore losers across the lands went on the streets yelling and screaming how Donald J Trump was not their president; it continued to the inaugural of Donald J Trump and much more throughout the year. It didn't matter what type of conversation you can have with them; there were more willing to talk about their feelings than actual policy. Every move president Trump did, a group of sore losers will March on. However, when you go up to them; they can't even explain why they're Marching. Hopefully, this trend dies down, because I am sick and tired of them affecting traffic.


Oh man, the news cycle continued with their false reporting not only about the president we just overall issues that just didn't make sense when you came across reading it. From “golden showers”, “Melania Trump has a body double” and the infamous “Russian collusion.” More than a year and the media is praying to frame, Trump. There has been more news over exaggerating quotes or how they’re feeling hurt about a statement than actually reporting about real concrete policies that can affect day-to-day Americans. Sad part people are going to continue to believe these fake news or be overly dramatic just like our news anchors. Can only hope for more common sense, this year. However, I'm asking for too much.


We all try to escape when we're sick and tired of politics, but even that was impossible in 2017. From beloved franchise to even your favorite sports team, It seems unlikely to not find a political statement in our entertainment. Don't get me wrong I do respect everyone when it comes to expressing their opinion however when you're at work you focus at work and when you're on a massive event you act like the person you are at work. When will people get that across? If you want to make a change do it on your own time, don't do it at the cost of the consumers that ensure your job.


Years from now I'm pretty sure people are going to come to this year and say it was a year of sexual harassment. Although many were allegations, and people should take claims with a grain of salt. It was the outcome of this assertion that was appalling. From the firing of news anchors, actors (Kevin Spacey you sick freak) and executives. A good chunk of these folks, admit the claims, others should take it to court if they're not guilty ( we should still to believe in innocent until proven guilty) from a complaint from decades ago without concrete proof? Come on.


O Hilary, Hilary, Hilary, Hilary. You are just like a cockroach, once we think you're dead you come back and gross us even more. Other people who lose election goes on with their lives and become respectful people in society. Hell, others become president eventually (Nixion) or become the most prominent con-artist of all time with their BS agenda (Al Gore). Not you Hillary, you whine and complain all in one book; smart to repay debt from your campaign. However, when you have a chance to lose with honor and support the president, you continue to go off on Twitter and another news cycle to bitch about it. The same news cycle that won't report on how you try to cheat your way from a socialist half brain Bernie or your campaign working with Russia with proof. Miss Clinton, I'm ashamed to have supported you at one point in my life and glad I see the better side. I'm going to predict that you will be indicted and go on hearing but you won't go to jail because after all, you are a Clinton.