
I repectfully disagree. Though I respect the amount of work you put into this. I think your argument works against itself. I think it takes more energy to disagree with mainstream media because you're always in a defensive position. As in it takes more research to back up your argument against a mainstream narrative. It would be a whole lot easier to sit on my sofa and tune into CNN or NBC or whomever and let them tell me what i need to believe.

I should clarify that it's my contention that the mainstream media puts out as much, if not more, fake news as these sources they deem as fake

When I talk about energy I mean the sugar the brain consumes, not how tired you feel, or the effort you must give. There is plain no difference in the human brain if thinking about mainstream or not, it still consumes a lot. Not thinking , and just listening, is much cheaper. This is why being a social species is a saving of energy: one thinks, all the others just listen. Doesn't matters what you think exactly, if mainstream or not, the energy consumption is still the same.