So many attitudes displayed by humans are funny. Many keep their self-esteem high and are still sincere, whereas others who are about 2/3 of the population of the universe live a fake life because they are proud.
So many people have been living fake lives just to impress others and make them see them as great and important people. They will think of how they will b seen as kings and princes even when they are slaves. The major embarrassment is they are fake.
In other to keep their fake prestige, they keep telling lies and they have to live to the level of such lies. They have a lot of beds filled with lies because they want to live to the demand of what they are saying.
- To be valuable amongst others
- To be categorised as wealthy
- To be able to associate with others
- To boost their esteem
- To satisfy their own thirst for the life they claim to live
After all these things, the question is, how long will it last? The earlier they come up plain to whoever they are telling lies to, the better because real poeple have nothing to form about, they are plain and real while people who claim to be what they are not, need to live up to meet the standard.
