Floating in the wind...
Not knowing where you're going...
with nowhere to belong to.
Sometimes, you get lucky...
So lucky.
And other times... not really.
But there comes a point in every plastic bag's life.
When it finds a place to connect.
With other plastic bags.
Catch IT if You can!
Mamma itu mungkin plastik yang ramah lingkungan... :)
(Mamma maybe those are plastics friendly use for environment..)
Catch it??
Catch them all forever and never let them come back on earth again.
The worse invention to create plastic not so fantastic
Hi Kevin, right now I feel like I am a plastic bag floating on this steem boat that I came on 4 days ago. I am quite new. I just heard your interview with Terry on you tube. Thanks for the tips. Upvoted and followed you. (Where in Malaysia are you? I've been to KL and friends there.)
in KL sometimes :) . Welcome to Steemit by the way! How are u finding it so far? Thanks for listening in by the way
Enjoying blogging and feeling my way through. A bit lost but this is only my second week.
I actually feel this way. I'm in a point in my life where i actually don't know what i wanna do. Stuck in a loop of procrastination.
Not always a bad thing

Thank you for sharing this, i now kind of have a different perspective to being lazy ☺
Lol. Yes. Thats why we are here. Our sole purpose in life....plastic! :D
Lol been a while since i watched this - thanks. Our purpose might be plastic indeed :p
that's disgusting and beautiful at the same time :)
stop throwing out plastic bags on the streets! :P
yeah you are right plastic stuck our drainage system nice message
Right? Also, why is it lucky to get stuck on barbed wire, but unlucky to fly free in the blue sky?
Stop this bag profanation now! Carrier bags were created by God, who then created shops so you could go shopping, and once you’ve arrived at the shop, He then saw your mug disappointed at the empty shelves, and then He created food so you could pay for it and put it in the bag.
I dont know if I like the thought of being a 'bag' but I totally get that haha! And yes....constantly feel like a plastic bag! But that's a good thing!
Every year, the need for plastic is growing. In 2005 the plastic was printed as much as 220 million tons. Imagine not, how many people need plastic because almost all materials and tools that we use are made of plastic, such as bottles, sandals, bags, baskets, buckets, and glasses.
Plastic to be excellent because it is considered durable, strong, and light. Although almost the same as metal (durable and strong), the metal is considered too heavy and expensive. Finally, that's what makes plastic needs in the world higher.
While the need for plastic may be increasing, the need for new plastic simply doesn't exist and cannot be ecologically sustained, in any case.
If people need more plastic, repurposing that which already exists in landfills and waterways, via some type of recycling, is the only means to obtain this material that anyone should be considering promoting, at this point.
Never ever thought of myself as a plastic bag before your post but yes, I do feel somewhat like a plastic bag now :(
Sorry :( before blockchains i really felt like plastic bag lol
Reminds me of the movie American Beauty lol
The feels .. xD
Nice post... never thought you could make a post with plastic bags flying in the wind..Maybe you next post id on what weird places you can find Mc Donalds big mac boxes... I won't post about it... Man you have so much attention on each post. I wish I would have 10% of it.. hopefully one day you mention me when you make the post about the big mac boxes...
It's not as spontaneous or random as it seems, been a post idea in my mind since last year actually xD. So no, i don't know what to do with big mac boxes when i come across them
It was not that intention. It was a great post. I really liked it.. it just Also reminds me on the big mac boxes..
Nice! Although on an underlying point someone was saying to me the other day that there isn't any advertising for Steem or Steemit out there (whereas EOS has signs on taxis in London). Perhaps we need an advertising-trail and some creative input?
Plastic bag use dropped 85% or more in the UK after they started charging just 5p. One of those environmental problems with a simple solution that just needs a little impetus to get going!
Indeed, this plastic is extraordinary many disgusting sanggat, but the people do not heed to throw plastic in the arbitrary place is in the dumpster just as a display only, not the real concern of our hearts, all kinds of plastic items are not used or damaged in buwang so Course, there was a garbage collision of plastic, bottle miniman.
That last pictures is unreal! What a mess!
If its a mess, you best bet its decentralised xD
We all need to start from ourselves, just like MJ said in the man in the mirror. Oh, love this song as f****ck!
I miss MJ :)
"That really hit me hard..."
I will be forever grateful and love my plastic life!!!Wish I was that lucky plastic bag which finally stuck into @kevinwong barbwire!!!
Lol, barbwires are rare ;)
Cuz baby you're a firework!!!!!
sorry, I couldn't resist...
I thought this was a skit on the Katy Perry song:
'Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting thought the wind
Wanting to start again'
but it seems like it is even better lol
I think I do feel like a plastic bag. As I wallow in self pity while I type here on steemit. Drifting through each post and comment trying to find somewhere where I can connect.
Sometimes I get lucky and find posts like yours @kevinwong but it doesn't last long as I turn back floating in and out of the platform.
This is exactly how not to do marketing.
You could do it much better with leafs or some other objects that is not morally handicapped. Plastic bags are a symbol of overconsumption, pollution and even death when we consider small animals.
ecogreen plastic bags man.. it's all about the eco these days..
it's plastic. it's much like cigarettes. you can't really rebrand people's ideas :D
Man that bag has it made. Looks more happy than most of the people I know 😄
Makes me hear the Forrest Gump theme... ❤️
hey that's what was playing in mind too, but maybe because i've watched that movie too many times!
Don't get me started!!!!! 🤣
Hello@ kevinwong are we not all like plastic bags in your post? trying to connect with others and trying to find where we belong. Interesting post thank you
Not everyone goes through the same thing :)
Haha, Love the last pic in the sequence. I had no idea it was going down the face advert route! Fly with us is actually a very good slogan
Maybe only for the crypto community xD
Hehe, yeah you may be right!
Strangly nice
Wierdly awesome
Incredibly sad
But great all the same
with a fall, all is a game.
I enjoyed your piece. It was good.
Thanks @kolex , stay tuned for weird stuff here lol :)
really amazing :) you know i'm feeling that i'm also a plastic bag fling freely............!! really enjoyed it.
glad you enjoyed it :)
:) thanks....!!
Plastic is like the needs of the community when shopping, but now the world is getting more sophisticated with all the equipment that is removed by the manufacturers such as robot groceries and others, cool post @ kevinwong, I come from the Indonesian community, happy to see post You are creative.
nice to meet you
Nice to meet you too @daiky69 . Nowadays i dont shop with plastics anymore. Zero..
Good to know theres hope at the end of the tunnel. This will really motivate people to have hope. It has lifted up my spirit. Thanks
LOL. She got too high
Think most people have an experience of feeling themselves as a plastic-bag. It is an impressive thought. :) How did you get the idea? :) Have a good day!! @kevinwong
Think i had the feeling a few months ago. I tend to think in images, so I thought why not just make a post lol xD
Visualizing feeling is not easy. It's artistic. :) Have a nice weekend! @kevinwong
Plastic bags are taking over the world! 🐓🐓
it has already !
Sometimes I look like a plastic bag of supermarket, when I carry my cell phone, pencil, glasses, wallet, keys and many more things
i'm a plastic bag all the time ;)
LOL... omg! Look at the plastic bags in the sky! POLLUTION!

Before I was floating around various social media sites. Today I've found a place to connect with other social and like minded Steemit bags.

Which ones were you floating in? I never bothered with twitter, instagram, etc..
FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube and Google+ but none of them appealed to me and I stopped posting there soon after account creation. Now I only use Steemit
The struggle is real. #PlasticBagLivesMatters
Do you ever feel...
like a plastic bag....
haha this is actually quite creative! awesome work!
I'm so happy I'm not a plastic bag...which can be used for garbage!
thanks :) u should be happy lol
This was a pretty creative post. Two thumbs up!
Nice, but am the type of plastic bag that will not connect with other bags ever.... #Sed_Life ;_;
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.........but not good for environment............so no to plastic.........upvote u so as required to upvote me
Very interesting post, quite different. Keep up the creativity. Hope you cleaned up those plastic bags after the post. LOL
Oh not my pictures! Just did the writing ;) credited the pics of plastic bags though..
Katy Perry did. :P
Haha good one indeed. However plastic bags are bad for our environment and should be reduced.
your post on steem power inspired me to write my new post ...check it out, I referenced you there. More success to you.
Nice... Good Imagine. Please vote n comment @hadimemories. Thanks
This is UFO o_o
this is good
Tremendous image capture @kevinwong
wow, this photos is creative
Your photos are freaking awesome @kevinwong. Very original and well shoot. Nice :-)