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RE: Do Miracles Occur Today?

in #faith9 years ago

I agree that people should exhibit control over their own life and how they live it which can be quite satisfying, but frankly no god is needed for this, you can do it all by yourself. However, what I was talking about are tragic things that one cannot control, such as things like a natural disaster, disease, children starving, or being brutally attacked by another, terrible things that happen to good people... god has the power to prevent these things, so why doesn't he? Either he is not able to, or he doesn't actually care, or he doesn't exist. If he does exist, he's an asshole and I would never worship such a being. However, logic tells us the most likely answer is that we just made this stuff up as means to control the masses. Hope you come to know the truth - thinking for yourself is a great life!!


This is very easy to explain. All of heaven is watching while God allows Satan to try to prove his rebellious point. God could squash Satan, but instead allows him to run the planet and screw things up royally.

Now, if while Satan is screwing up, God were to step in and fix things, well then He would be helping to keep Satan from failing.

So this mess will continue and get worse and worse until it is obvious to all Heaven that Satan has failed. Then God will finally step in, press reset, clean house and start over, having proved his point to all His Creation.

You think that bad things happening in this world are important. It sure seems that way if you think that this world is all there is. But everything here is throw-away expendable, including the short lives we have been given.

Remember the day you graduated from High School? Suddenly everything that was so important a day ago didn't matter at all any more.

Ever quit a job? Same thing.

Once you realize that leaving this life works the same way, you stop putting so much emphasis on why it isn't perfect.

It isn't perfect because humans decided to do things Satan's way. And God said, "Go ahead, knock yourselves out!"

Now we have to do it the hard way.

I have shared my limited understanding of what God has revealed in the Bible. It is entirely possible that my understanding has holes in it. But the only way I can know anything at all about God is if he chooses to reveal it. No doubt some of that is classified until the test is over. :o)

It's a good and convenient analogy which helps to explain a particular contradiction but still seems to be a masochist type behavior to watch his children suffer through no fault of their own to prove a point to his kingdom or Satan or whatever... not to mention that I don't see how you would even know this stuff as it seems rather arrogant that humans could possibly understand the will of god or even know what is going on in the supernatural realm, nor have they demonstrated in any reliable way that such things even exist in the first place.

Also, back to the original topic , if god wants us to do things the hard way via his "boot camp" then why is he providing miracles? Doesn't make sense.