Today's Gratitude: March 19, 2018

in #faith7 years ago

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March 19, 2018

Today, I’m grateful for:

  1. Mistakes I've made. Without them, I wouldn't know how forgiving our Father is. We are so lucky to commit so many transgressions and fail so many times, yet still have His love and His forgiveness. Also, we have the opportunity to learn from these mistakes, and use them to lead us to new personal growth and knowledge. The mistakes we make can seem like the worst case scenario in the moment, but often when we look back, we come to realize that perhaps they were just part of a greater plan, and also that they were not as bad as they could have been. Sometimes time provides the perspective to realize that even in our mistakes, God was watching over us and limiting the "damage", so to speak. Mistakes thus teach us in many more ways than one.

  2. Another day of life!

  3. God's forgiveness, even when we make those mistakes.

We can never count our blessings enough, so I will look to make my gratitude different each time, as I continue to be given so much every day.

But every day, #2 will be my expression of gratitude for the chance to live another day, as it truly is a gift, not a guarantee. And #3 will always be dedicated to Him, for being our eternal guidance and our loving Father.

What are you grateful for?


You this is so true. When many of us look back at the jagged or even tortured path we set out on when we were younger, it is often a true miracle that we are here at all. The Father not only protected us then but even more amazing is how He uses these past "failures" and experiences to help others who have taken similar journeys.

There is no time, no place and no action that the Father is not aware of and even more so, He has always been the designated driver, we just have to hand over the keys.

Be blessed this day where ever you may be on your path to glory.

Absolutely, just like you said, we just need to give Him the keys. Whenever we think we are doing anything or achieving something great, it is only because He is providing it. And He always helps us rise from our mistakes to get to that point.

I really love your page. I think it is so refreshing to have a blog like this in a world full of fancy stuff. I hope I could also inspire others like you inspire me. Thank you for always posting your daily insights.

Thank you @biboblogs! I appreciate that, and if you're looking to inspire others too, then I'm looking forward to reading your posts! Just followed you, welcome to Steemit!

What is the secret of success? Making the Right Decisions.
How do you make the right decisions? Through Experience.
How do you get experience? Making the Wrong Decisions.
There's more to making mistakes than meets the eyes. We learn more from failure than from success. So don't ever give up.

Today let my gratitude be for perseverance without which we may not have the courage and the will to face our daily struggles, especially our failures and mistakes.

Completely agree Gems. I wrote a short post on perseverance not too long ago, I’ll link it if you want to give it a read. Haha it was one of those posts that didn’t get any upvotes but I was happy just getting those ideas written down because I always believe in persevering through all difficulty. Here it is:

Read the post. A very good one. Short but to the point. When you become a whale people will read this and wonder, "Now what's a gem of a post doing in a place called oblivion?" lol : () Kudos to our good friend @bycoleman who coined the term DSTO feature in my Mumbo Jumbo post which stands for posts Down Scrolled To Oblivion. Hey @bycoleman! Nice to see you visited here too : )

Thank you brother for the kind mention. I just blurted it out one day, you made it famous.

Haha that's awesome...yes, one day!

What a coincidence. Classic example of great minds thinking alike. Did a same post 3 months ago. Made about a few cents (what I call Stents in Steemit mumbo jumbo) and here's the link if you're interested too.

Sometimes it's not about whether a post makes money or not. It's about writing the things that matter to you and sharing it. People may not read it but that's the beauty of it. You can quote from these posts when making a comment to somebody and voila you've shared your views just as if you just posted it for the first time. Some of my comments to you are copy pastes of some of my previous posts and boy it makes it feel good and worth all the trouble when you upvote it and say you enjoyed it or it's perfect. See, it comes full circle. Such is the beauty of the Lord.

Hey if we can bring new life to a great post that was passed by in the past, there is nothing better than having it make an impact now. I'm so stoked to hear that, reading your article on perseverance now!