in #fairy-tale6 years ago


Once upon a time in the land of the middle of nowhere, lived a beautiful queen. The queen has a strange habit, namely collecting various kinds of mirrors with various sizes. The mirrors were hung on the Queen's bedroom wall so that the walls of her room were filled with mirrors. The queen is very fond of wrapping herself in front of the mirrors and admiring her beauty. Most of the day he did it and he did not get tired of waving in front of his mirrors.

One day, when the queen was combing her hair, suddenly the mirror she was holding fell and broke. The queen is furious. He ordered his guards to buy him a new mirror.

"I'm sorry, Your Honor. But do not you have a lot of mirrors already? Why would you buy a mirror again? "Asked the guard.

" God damn it. How dare you defy my orders. Quickly go and bring me a mirror to replace my broken mirror. Or do you want me to be legal, haa? "

The guard rushed to the mirror shop. But unfortunately, said the shop owner no more mirrors that can be sold.

"All my mirrors have been bought out by the queen. So there's nothing else I can give you, "said the shop owner.

Anxiously the guard walked down the market to look for the mirror that the queen requested. But every shop he visited always gave the same answer. In despair, the guard returned to the palace. But on the way he met a young man who fell asleep under a tree. Next to the young man was a large mirror covered with a sheet of cloth. The guard then approached the young man and asked him to sell the mirror to him. The young man hesitated.

"Do you know, this mirror is not an ordinary mirror. I'm afraid that it will only hurt yourself, "the young man said.

"But if I come back without a mirror, Your Highness Queen will surely punish me. So help me, "frightened the guard.

The young man paused.

" Okay sir. I will help you. I will go to the Queen and will present this mirror to Her Majesty the Queen, "said the young man.

Finally, they both face the queen. Queen Seon Deok is glad that her wish to obtain a new mirror materialized. She could not wait to get herself in front of her new mirror.

"Forgive the servant, Your Majesty. Before Your Majesty bought it, I just wanted to remind myself that this mirror is not a normal mirror. This mirror will show the real face of the person who looks into it. So the servant should have Your Majesty reconsider your desire, "said the young man.

"Fine! How dare you say that. Do you want me to punish, haa? "Said the queen of wrath. The young man was frightened.

"Sorry, Your Majesty. I just wanted to remind you. But if indeed you would like this mirror, I would gladly offer it to you, "said the young man, handing the mirror over.

The Queen immediately took it with pleasure. He immediately reflected. But when he saw his reflection in the mirror, the queen screamed in shock. He then looked at the young man in anger.

"Hi, young man. What does this mean? Why is my beautiful face turned full of caterpillars in this mirror? Do you want to insult me, haa? "Said the queen angry.

The young man worshiped and responded with fear.

"Forgive the servant, Your Majesty. The servant never once tried to deceive let alone insult him. Did not I already explain that the mirror will show the real face of someone who reflects on it, "

"So you mean that is my real face?" Asked the queen again.

"I'm sorry, Your Honor. According to the servant, it may be a warning to your lord, that you should not only occupy yourself by looking at your beautiful face through the mirror. Without a mirror, your face is very beautiful. You should be more concerned with the fate of your people. Because there are still many people who need the attention of your Highness. Sorry, Your Majesty. It is not my intention to teach you. But I am only trying to interpret the intent of the mirror. So please forgive me, "the young man said as he worshiped


lived a beautiful queen.

guard rushed to the mirror shop. But unfortunately