Did you know?
A snail can hide up to 3 years in its shell without coming out of it.
That also means 3 year no food and no water! Some people can barely manage to make 3 hours without food.
When they hide in their shell they seal the entrance, so that nothing comes in or out.
Interesting is that crocodiles are also able to survive 3 years without food. They can even survive freezind winters in a lake. They stick their head out of the water so that they can breather, no matter if the lake gets frozen.
I also mix slugs with snail sometimes and forget which one has the shell. I hope the picture below is correct when I say snails.
Another intersting thing is, that they can move over razor sharp objects. With their slime they can protect themselves from getting hurt.
I hope you liked this fact as much as I did!
Image license CC0 Creative Commons | Picture taken from: https://pixabay.com/en/snail-snails-shell-slowly-mollusk-2983235/
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