My brother in law was bothering me about Steemit for a few weeks, and I was like yeah yeah but then I heard you mention that Steem is a currency you look to gain regardless of value in one of your YT trading videos and that what really peaked my interest in this. That video is what catapulted me into reading candle sticks for Steem, etc. At any rate, I'm annoyed that just when I found connected with you here all this BS went down. I thought it would be easier and more personable to dialogue here as opposed to YT, but unfortunately here we are. I hope Steemit is a more forgiving space in time and that you are able to become active here again. On a personal note, I believe Black (read diverse) representation and presence is needed and healthy on every social platform, and it should be celebrated when done well. I appreciate your vlogs, etc. Again, hope something changes for the better in the future in this space. Peace.