Facebook was great in the early 2000's but this is 2018 and it really is total garbage..!! #DeleteFacebook and #JoinSteemit

in #facebook6 years ago

I'm amazed that anyone is still using that garbage..!!


#DeleteFacebook and #JoinSteemit

I'm amazed that anyone is still using that total garbage that is Facebook.

Facebook was great in the early 2000's but this is 2018 and it really is total garbage..!!

#DeleteFacebook and #JoinSteemit

Despite the warning signs that are flashing around the World over Facebook's decline in share price this week, most people are still totally oblivious to the demise of Facebook.

Talk to anyone of the younger generation and they don't use Facebook, simply because it's just not cool..!!

This lack of appetite from the younger generation is the final nail in the coffin for Facebook and all we are witnessing now is a controlled collapse of the Share Price.

Facebook really is on life support and it is now not a matter of "if" it collapses, it is simply a matter of "when"..!!

Great news for #Steemit and #Steem, but not so good news for those Hedge Funds propping it up.

Technology has moved on since Facebook was created in the early 2000's.

With the birth of mass of adoption of #Cryptocurrencies it will simply be squashed and despite what most may think, no one will be able to stop it..!!

Thanks for reading.



I quit using Facebook in 2009 because i seen then that it caused more problem in my household than help. Facebook is like crack to some people no matter how bad it gets you will always have those who need to get their hit of their addiction which is Facebook. #DeleteFacebook and prosper with #Steemit

When facebook was first launched it took some time to grow but when it grew it grew like hell. And steemit is already on added advantage as here people are paid for what they post where as on facebook people were charge to promote their content. So obviously once it gets attention steemit will surely rule the world.

Infact i have already asked my few close friends to join steemit asap.

In my point of view Facebook wasn't great at all. it is just a time waste and now people are realizing it and Facebook is loosing it's value. I want every Facebook user to join this amazing platform. The problem is not many people know about steemit and also when we try to tell them, they can't blv us :(

HAHAHAHA NOw mark will be feeling the power of blockchain, FAcebook is just piece of shit! I have seen many people who left facebook when they came to know that facebook is stealing their data, also when they came to know facebook is making money from them and not giving even a single penny to them. on the other hand steemit is paying you money for blogging. Even steemit is paying you for commenting too!

I am very happy to see Facebook is going down day by day. Not that i hate facebook? I hate it because they have never ever though about their user.
They just use our search result to take profit from different add companies.

But facebook is also helpful in some ways. Like i have liked a number of news channel's facebook pages and I don't watch the news on TV. So, I get the updates from news feed of Facebook. We also have a class group of college where my mates upload useful stuff and i get access to those easily. I think facebook groups are the something having more value on facebook than others.
You are also right, We upload tons of content on facebook and do not get payback. In this matter Steemit is far better.
Thank You for sharing this useful information.

Sir @stephenkendal i uninstalled my facebook application right away when i came to know about this amazing platform steemit. infact people there circulate same jokes and memes all day long instead anything good. Moreover if you look to my post which I published today I mentioned the same "Social media platforms are to share knowledge not to share useless memes"

Hi buddy, I saw your post today, really people nowadays have become shameless, they have forgotten the difference between being famous and being infamous. So sad, I am preety much confidant that steemit will not be like such platforms.

No steemit can't be such platform. It works on some rules and I am glad for them to have these rules. Also, cheetah will catch them or others may flag them for posting such useless content.

@stephenkendal facebook is down due to many reasons. Like Some reasons may the growth of some other better social platforms also. Like Instagram or we can say Steemit also. That's why people are showing more interest at all these things.
Facebook need to come with some new updates. And they have to think again for raising.

Somedays back someone from steemit told me that steemit was great in 2017 and in 2018 it is totally the game of bots and that is why price is down, although I dont agree with him, but I dotn like so many bots and the abuse is also a reality, one can disagree with me, but that is my own feeling. Still I love steemit and I am happy to be a part of it in its early stage.

Time to invest in steemit . Facebook was going to fall sooner or later

Facebook was going to fall sooner or later

Nailed it. I first mentioned that Facebook was set to fail +4 years ago when I became an Advocate of #Blockchain Technology. Back then most people thought I was absolutely mental to even suggest such a thing. Not so much now. Facebook will fail. Stephen

Now literally you can sit back and smile knowing “I told you so”

@stephenkendal i must say this , #facebook is really a piece of shit.. finally have invited some celebrity into the platform, an actress and a comedian, but on instagram and youtube

hahaha, you are absolutely right, to be frank I rarely use facebook nowadays. Only time wastage.

Every since I got on steemit, I seldom look at FB...I always wondered, is it just me or ....Guess what, FB is collapsing....F...K facebook, it's boring:)

Come #DeleteFacebook and #JoinSteemit, greet steemians, success always and work #steemit and #steem

I ditched my FB a while back an was glad I did. Even before the final "delete account" I hardly even used it.

Hi Stephen,

Interesting view but I think there is a world between #Facebook and #Steemit

The word #cryptocurrency is still very vague for majority of people.

you are right but that is very soon gonna change, it won't happen overnight, but will happen for sure as people become more familiar with crypto. Every new tech needs time to get to the general public.Crypto and blockchain aren't any different.

Facebook is playing its role and steemit is also playing its role. They are both contributing to the advancement of the world. Do you think if Facebook replicate what steemit is doing, steemit will be able to compete?

Why should i delete facebook for steemit, can steemit compete with Facebook, and the issue of Steemit rewarding people , not every body get rewarded here some people hardly get upvote .. And on facebook u chat with your friends and family ,you cant do that here ,all we do is to write article still u wont get a single upvote @stephenkendal. So steemit and Facebook they function diffrently .

steemit is more better than facebook
steemit have a bright future and we all know this

yes you right @stephenkendal, facebook is terrible, not only that they sell peoples data and pics, they work together with governments and block free speech, that's the worst ever.
Steemit is a very good alternative, but we don't have to think we will stay on top longer time if nothing changes.
I read the last Steemit stats and they are really not amusing.
And if a CEO powers down a huge account of steem and tell nothing to the users about the background, not amusing, too.
Other networks where users get paid coming up now more and more and if Steemit act not now, it can shake hands with facebook.
Best regards