Is Life.... In Your Face...?

in #facebook7 years ago (edited)

I often keep my phone in the kitchen, but it doesn't keep me from checking it the first thing in the morning. I lounged in bed for awhile (it's Sunday) then got up and checked my phone for notifications, there were none, so I just looked at the time, 7:43am. I woke up my iPad and remembered I was listening to songs on my playlist last night.

Magically, news stories appeared on my phone banner, I must have anwsered some questions incorrectly on the last iPhone update, or it was in some agreement I didn't read. Before I swiped my screen clear, I saw that Trump is calling himself "a very stable genious" and that "frozen iguanas" were falling from trees. Now, that isn't exactly what I wanted to think about today. I can't keep thinking about the poor iguanas.

I refreshed my email to see 14 new messages, of which 2 were spam. I've been cleaning up my email lately by dragging to spam, and if that doesn't work, I try to unsubscribe. Watch out for unsubscribing because other companies grab onto that, I sometimes start getting more spam that I had before.

Two were from Pinterest, so I just need to go select "no email or notifications", I think. I am going to delete my Facebook account and it's contents, so I shouldn't get any from them soon. There were 2 of those. My Google calendar is a gem every day reminding me what I have scheduled to do, or that I have no life whatsoever.

Amazon joined in twice, along with Norwex, GoDaddy, Apple, Good Reads, and a non-profit newsletter. I was suprized that I am getting emails from PCH Sweepstakes, didn't they used to go door-to-door?

Then I thought, may as well go check out the Facebook notifications (I only get one if someone "mentions" me). I ended up on Facebook for 30 minutes, then decided to text wtih some friends and that was about 30 minutes on and off.

I looked at the clock, 9:20. Hmmmm... I just passed an hour and 35 minutes of my precious time. Is that what I had planned on doing? Nope. Then, I talked to my Mom on the phone for another 30 minutes (that's a good thing). After 2 hours of not doing what I planned for the day, I dove into my to-do list. As I was vacuuming, I thought, nice... here's a blog topic for Steemit. Topics are everywhere.

File Dec 28, 9 30 05 AM.jpeg

When can I get some peace and quiet?

I realized that all day, every day, I was being bombarded with news that I didn't want to think about. Some of it is interesting, but I can control none of it. None of it. When I turn on the TV, within 10 minutes I learn something I don't want to... let alone being distracted all the time by the "important stuff" banner at the bottom, or top, or side of the screen. Social media is even worse, and we used to complain about the commercials on TV.

It's 12:50 now and I've checked off 4 things on my list. Yes, now I have to have a list to keep me on track. I'm getting ready to check off another one. I'm pretty sure that I'll need a nap later, not sure why. Maybe social media and digital entertainment is like a sugar or caffiene buzz... it's great at the time, but you're likely to crash.

I like Steemit because it's intentional. I access Steemit, I know how to find what I want, and it's not "in your face". Please don't change!

Thank you for joining me today.