in #facebook2 years ago (edited)



Over the past 15 years I’ve had five Facebook accounts which is quite a lot for an introvert who doesn’t even like Facebook.

My original one was called “Wheels Sift” and was set up in 2007 using a burner email. Even back then I knew it was best to be as anon as possible online. In the early days FB was relatively free and uncensored and I posted a lot of anti-vax and “conspiracy” stuff as well as some fairly deranged and out there content that wouldn’t be allowed on any mainstream social media platforms these days.

The official history of FB is entirely fabricated to hide it’s origins as a Mossad/CIA social programming platform, but it appears to have been initially trialed on American university students from around 2004 while the mind controlled C-grade actor known as “Mark Zuckerburg” (fake name) was set up as the front man. The same process was later repeated with “Elon Musk”

Prior to 2007 I had been using MySpace, and FB had just started to overtake MySpace when I started using it. For the first couple of years my account worked quite well but over time they started censoring more content, and then in 2010 my entire account just disappeared. Presumably FB deleted it. (I don't have any screenshots from that account)



For some reason I set up a new account in 2010 using my real name and mainly became “friends” with people I knew or had some connection with in “real life” (so I only had about 200 “friends”). That was a mistake! For the first few years things mostly didn’t go too badly although I did have a few big online fall-outs. But from around 2014 when I was increasingly posting “anti-vax” content I found out that most of my “friends” were not on the same page as me at all, and about half of them unfriended me.

In 2016 I stopped using FB altogether and moved mainly to the blockchain site Steemit. I thought of FB as just being a platform for mind programmed sheeple and for a while enjoyed getting paid to post on a blockchain instead. But when the covidhoax got going in 2019 I went back to FB, still using my real name account, and found 500 like minded new “friends”.

Then I let rip, using that account regularly for two years, before it finally dawned on me that posting anti-vax, anti-government, and anti-covid content using my real name on a deep state platform while living in NZ was not a good idea. In November 2021 I did one last post but otherwise stopped using that account.




Tom Anderson is the name of the guy who founded MySpace and was the first friend for all new account sign ups. But the main reason I called myself Tom Anderson was because of Neo in “The Matrix” whose real name was Thomas Anderson.

Once that account was set up I quickly re-friended my 500 new friends who knew what day it was, and started letting rip again. But by this time FB was cracking down and my account kept getting suspended. It rapidly became clear I needed a backup account so I could rotate them.



For obvious reasons “Greg Anderson” seemed like a suitable name for my next account. For the next 18 months I swapped back and forth between being “Tom” and “Greg” as the accounts were constantly suspended. But I did manage to learn faster than FB’s AI and eventually I got to the point where I could mostly work out what would get my account suspended and alter it as required.

That, combined with FB relaxing their censorship as their usage declined with the total balls up that is Meta, has meant that I've now managed to be “Greg” for six months straight with no suspensions or black listings.



Early in 2023 when both my accounts were suspended I set up another account named “Ian Anderson” (leader of Jethro Tull) as a third back up account but as things worked out I never ended up needing to use that account, and my friend list on it is only about half done.




Why does having a FB account require so much work?
Why can't i just talk to people?

i got into FarmVille for a while... and so had lots of "friends" that filled up my home page with stuff that i had no knowledge about. But i got logged out one day, and never tried to get back in. That history gone.

How did the VAXXX scamdemeic suck in so many people where they would unfriend you? That was just weird. Also, those people you really didn't need as friends anyway? But it was disheartening still.

If i was still on FB, i would friend you just to say, "Greetings Mr. Anderson"

LOL - it doesn't bother me, in fact it's all very revealing - and noticing today that the down voting I get here on Hive is actually manual is hilarious - HELLO REPLICANTULAR, have a nice day of downvoting!
