How to not get hacked on Fakebook

in #facebook2 months ago

(1 method)
IF YOU GET A MESSAGE LIKE THIS from one of your "friends" you might wanna CHECK IF ITS REALLY FROM YOUR FRIEND,
Maybe it is from you're friend but they're account got hacked so its no longer really your friend because its a hacker/scammer and there trying to hack you to!


Things to look out for:
If there message sounds like them? is they're speech and spelling correct? does it look to formal?
You could compare old messages to the ones you received to have more evidence that it is a scammer/hacker.

NOTE 1: Maybe your friend does miss spell things so dont be to picky.

NOTE 2: technology and ai are increasing alot so even if its not your friend it could sound a lot like them so watch out!

Dont do this!(dont message them back if you know its a scammer/hacker already)
But lets say you did,lets see how they hack you!
Just to say,this is not staged or scripted,this is a real life attempt!

Basically this is the run thrue you have to do if you wanna try reset your password/phone number/email/anything.

Obvously im just playing along because even by the first message i knew it was a hacker. All because out of all her friends on Facebook ,im definitely not someone out of three friends she would pick to help her with this situation since were not that close + i had a friend request of her new account to.

So they send me this pretending they need help to unlock they're own account. This is complete lies,they probably dont need help with there already hacked account since there this clever to hack it in the first place,


There sending this to me to try get me to send them the numbers of my own accound so the can hack it,lets see what happends next if your this stupid to fall for it😂

She also send me...

I play along😏

They really thought😂

Cause im such a megamind i send them a fake code😎

Then they seem to belive it🙈,maybe they're asking this because the code didn't work lol😂

So i lie🤭

##If you did send them the real code!
If you send then the real code, say GOODBYE 👋, to all your photos,messages, and you whole life🤯 because they just stole your Facebook account that you will NEVER get back 👋👋👋.

Whats this?🤔 A facebook email code for changing the password to MY account🤨

If you dare to send the hacker this code your done for👋this is the second you say BYEEEEEEEE to your account. So whatever you do DO NOT send them this code.

Because if you did send them the code they probably wouldn't text you back because thats all they needed lol so be ready to get ghosted👻

dont be a idiot.

Thank you for listening and stay safe!